todo ---- - change name back to 'just', suggest j as alias - readme: . start with an example justfile . make it clear it's beta, mention that, as a command runner there is probably a higher than normal chance of disaster . installation instructions . long guide . talk about all command line flags . vim and emacs syntax hilighting (use makefile syntax hilighting for now) . `` strips a single newline . habit of using clever commands and writing little scripts . alias .j='just --justfile ~/.justfile --working-directory ~' . very low friction to write a script (no new file, chmod, add to rcs) . note that shell is invoked with -u . users can email me for help . make list of contributors, include travis . ask users to contribute their justfiles as tests . please open an issue for feature requests - big example justfile . justfile.example or example.justfile . lots of comments . parse them . update tarball dep . check version string . clean . update logs (repetitive git flow) . quine - rewrite grammar.txt - try to get some users . travis . recurse center . facebook friends . irc . r/rust . hacker news