extern crate j; extern crate clap; use std::{io, fs, env}; use clap::{App, Arg}; use j::Slurp; macro_rules! warn { ($($arg:tt)*) => {{ extern crate std; use std::io::prelude::*; let _ = writeln!(&mut std::io::stderr(), $($arg)*); }}; } macro_rules! die { ($($arg:tt)*) => {{ extern crate std; warn!($($arg)*); std::process::exit(-1) }}; } fn main() { let matches = App::new("j") .version("0.1.5") .author("Casey R. ") .about("Just a command runner") .arg(Arg::with_name("list") .short("l") .long("list") .help("Lists available recipes")) .arg(Arg::with_name("recipe") .multiple(true) .help("recipe(s) to run, defaults to the first recipe in the justfile")) .get_matches(); loop { match fs::metadata("justfile") { Ok(metadata) => if metadata.is_file() { break; }, Err(error) => { if error.kind() != io::ErrorKind::NotFound { die!("Error fetching justfile metadata: {}", error) } } } match env::current_dir() { Ok(pathbuf) => if pathbuf.as_os_str() == "/" { die!("No justfile found."); }, Err(error) => die!("Error getting current dir: {}", error), } if let Err(error) = env::set_current_dir("..") { die!("Error changing directory: {}", error); } } let text = fs::File::open("justfile") .unwrap_or_else(|error| die!("Error opening justfile: {}", error)) .slurp() .unwrap_or_else(|error| die!("Error reading justfile: {}", error)); let justfile = j::parse(&text).unwrap_or_else(|error| die!("{}", error)); if matches.is_present("list") { if justfile.count() == 0 { warn!("Justfile contains no recipes"); } else { warn!("{}", justfile.recipes().join(" ")); } std::process::exit(0); } let names = if let Some(names) = matches.values_of("recipe") { names.collect::>() } else if let Some(name) = justfile.first() { vec![name] } else { die!("Justfile contains no recipes"); }; if let Err(run_error) = justfile.run(&names) { warn!("{}", run_error); std::process::exit(if let j::RunError::Code{code, ..} = run_error { code } else { -1 }); } }