extern crate tempdir; extern crate brev; extern crate regex; use tempdir::TempDir; use super::std::{fs, path, process}; fn integration_test( args: &[&str], justfile: &str, expected_status: i32, expected_stdout: &str, expected_stderr: &str, ) { let tmp = TempDir::new("just-integration") .unwrap_or_else( |err| panic!("integration test: failed to create temporary directory: {}", err)); let mut path = tmp.path().to_path_buf(); path.push("justfile"); brev::dump(path, justfile); let mut binary = super::std::env::current_dir().unwrap(); binary.push("./target/debug/just"); let output = process::Command::new(binary) .current_dir(tmp.path()) .args(args) .output() .expect("just invocation failed"); let mut failure = false; let status = output.status.code().unwrap(); if status != expected_status { println!("bad status: {} != {}", status, expected_status); failure = true; } let stdout = super::std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap(); if stdout != expected_stdout { println!("bad stdout:\ngot:\n{}\n\nexpected:\n{}", stdout, expected_stdout); failure = true; } let stderr = super::std::str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap(); if stderr != expected_stderr { println!("bad stderr:\ngot:\n{}\n\nexpected:\n{}", stderr, expected_stderr); failure = true; } if failure { panic!("test failed"); } } fn search_test>(path: P) { let mut binary = super::std::env::current_dir().unwrap(); binary.push("./target/debug/just"); let output = process::Command::new(binary) .current_dir(path) .output() .expect("just invocation failed"); assert_eq!(output.status.code().unwrap(), 0); let stdout = super::std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap(); assert_eq!(stdout, "ok\n"); let stderr = super::std::str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap(); assert_eq!(stderr, "echo ok\n"); } #[test] fn test_justfile_search() { let tmp = TempDir::new("just-test-justfile-search") .expect("test justfile search: failed to create temporary directory"); let mut path = tmp.path().to_path_buf(); path.push("justfile"); brev::dump(&path, "default:\n\techo ok"); path.pop(); path.push("a"); fs::create_dir(&path).expect("test justfile search: failed to create intermediary directory"); path.push("b"); fs::create_dir(&path).expect("test justfile search: failed to create intermediary directory"); path.push("c"); fs::create_dir(&path).expect("test justfile search: failed to create intermediary directory"); path.push("d"); fs::create_dir(&path).expect("test justfile search: failed to create intermediary directory"); search_test(path); } #[test] fn test_capitalized_justfile_search() { let tmp = TempDir::new("just-test-justfile-search") .expect("test justfile search: failed to create temporary directory"); let mut path = tmp.path().to_path_buf(); path.push("Justfile"); brev::dump(&path, "default:\n\techo ok"); path.pop(); path.push("a"); fs::create_dir(&path).expect("test justfile search: failed to create intermediary directory"); path.push("b"); fs::create_dir(&path).expect("test justfile search: failed to create intermediary directory"); path.push("c"); fs::create_dir(&path).expect("test justfile search: failed to create intermediary directory"); path.push("d"); fs::create_dir(&path).expect("test justfile search: failed to create intermediary directory"); search_test(path); } #[test] fn test_capitalization_priority() { let tmp = TempDir::new("just-test-justfile-search") .expect("test justfile search: failed to create temporary directory"); let mut path = tmp.path().to_path_buf(); path.push("justfile"); brev::dump(&path, "default:\n\techo ok"); path.pop(); path.push("Justfile"); brev::dump(&path, "default:\n\techo fail"); path.pop(); // if we see "default\n\techo fail" in `justfile` then we're running // in a case insensitive filesystem, so just bail path.push("justfile"); if brev::slurp(&path) == "default:\n\techo fail" { return; } path.pop(); path.push("a"); fs::create_dir(&path).expect("test justfile search: failed to create intermediary directory"); path.push("b"); fs::create_dir(&path).expect("test justfile search: failed to create intermediary directory"); path.push("c"); fs::create_dir(&path).expect("test justfile search: failed to create intermediary directory"); path.push("d"); fs::create_dir(&path).expect("test justfile search: failed to create intermediary directory"); search_test(path); } #[test] fn default() { integration_test( &[], "default:\n echo hello\nother: \n echo bar", 0, "hello\n", "echo hello\n", ) } #[test] fn quiet() { integration_test( &[], "default:\n @echo hello", 0, "hello\n", "", ) } #[test] fn order() { let text = " b: a echo b @mv a b a: echo a @touch F @touch a d: c echo d @rm c c: b echo c @mv b c"; integration_test( &["a", "d"], text, 0, "a\nb\nc\nd\n", "echo a\necho b\necho c\necho d\n", ); } #[test] fn summary() { let text = "b: a a: d: c c: b"; integration_test( &["--summary"], text, 0, "a b c d\n", "", ); } #[test] fn select() { let text = "b: @echo b a: @echo a d: @echo d c: @echo c"; integration_test( &["d", "c"], text, 0, "d\nc\n", "", ); } #[test] fn print() { let text = "b: echo b a: echo a d: echo d c: echo c"; integration_test( &["d", "c"], text, 0, "d\nc\n", "echo d\necho c\n", ); } #[test] fn show() { let text = r#"hello = "foo" bar = hello + hello recipe: echo {{hello + "bar" + bar}}"#; integration_test( &["--show", "recipe"], text, 0, r#"recipe: echo {{hello + "bar" + bar}} "#, "", ); } #[test] fn status_passthrough() { let text = " recipe: @exit 100"; integration_test( &[], text, 100, "", "error: Recipe `recipe` failed with exit code 100\n", ); } #[test] fn error() { integration_test( &[], "bar:\nhello:\nfoo: bar baaaaaaaz hello", 255, "", "error: recipe `foo` has unknown dependency `baaaaaaaz` | 3 | foo: bar baaaaaaaz hello | ^^^^^^^^^ ", ); } #[test] fn backtick_success() { integration_test( &[], "a = `printf Hello,`\nbar:\n printf '{{a + `printf ' world!'`}}'", 0, "Hello, world!", "printf 'Hello, world!'\n", ); } #[test] fn backtick_trimming() { integration_test( &[], "a = `echo Hello,`\nbar:\n echo '{{a + `echo ' world!'`}}'", 0, "Hello, world!\n", "echo 'Hello, world!'\n", ); } #[test] fn backtick_code_assignment() { integration_test( &[], "b = a\na = `exit 100`\nbar:\n echo '{{`exit 200`}}'", 100, "", "error: backtick failed with exit code 100 | 2 | a = `exit 100` | ^^^^^^^^^^ ", ); } #[test] fn backtick_code_interpolation() { integration_test( &[], "b = a\na = `echo hello`\nbar:\n echo '{{`exit 200`}}'", 200, "", "error: backtick failed with exit code 200 | 4 | echo '{{`exit 200`}}' | ^^^^^^^^^^ ", ); } #[test] fn backtick_code_interpolation_tab() { integration_test( &[], " backtick-fail: \techo {{`exit 1`}} ", 1, "", "error: backtick failed with exit code 1 | 3 | echo {{`exit 1`}} | ^^^^^^^^ ", ); } #[test] fn backtick_code_interpolation_tabs() { integration_test( &[], " backtick-fail: \techo {{\t`exit 1`}} ", 1, "", "error: backtick failed with exit code 1 | 3 | echo {{ `exit 1`}} | ^^^^^^^^ ", ); } #[test] fn backtick_code_interpolation_inner_tab() { integration_test( &[], " backtick-fail: \techo {{\t`exit\t\t1`}} ", 1, "", "error: backtick failed with exit code 1 | 3 | echo {{ `exit 1`}} | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ", ); } #[test] fn backtick_code_interpolation_leading_emoji() { integration_test( &[], " backtick-fail: \techo šŸ˜¬{{`exit 1`}} ", 1, "", "error: backtick failed with exit code 1 | 3 | echo šŸ˜¬{{`exit 1`}} | ^^^^^^^^ ", ); } #[test] fn backtick_code_interpolation_unicode_hell() { integration_test( &[], " backtick-fail: \techo \t\t\tšŸ˜¬éŽŒé¼¬{{\t\t`exit 1 # \t\t\tšŸ˜¬éŽŒé¼¬`}}\t\t\tšŸ˜¬éŽŒé¼¬ ", 1, "", "error: backtick failed with exit code 1 | 3 | echo šŸ˜¬éŽŒé¼¬{{ `exit 1 # šŸ˜¬éŽŒé¼¬`}} šŸ˜¬éŽŒé¼¬ | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ", ); } #[test] fn backtick_code_long() { integration_test( &[], "\n\n\n\n\n\nb = a\na = `echo hello`\nbar:\n echo '{{`exit 200`}}'", 200, "", "error: backtick failed with exit code 200 | 10 | echo '{{`exit 200`}}' | ^^^^^^^^^^ ", ); } #[test] fn shebang_backtick_failure() { integration_test( &[], "foo: #!/bin/sh echo hello echo {{`exit 123`}}", 123, "", "error: backtick failed with exit code 123 | 4 | echo {{`exit 123`}} | ^^^^^^^^^^ ", ); } #[test] fn command_backtick_failure() { integration_test( &[], "foo: echo hello echo {{`exit 123`}}", 123, "hello\n", "echo hello\nerror: backtick failed with exit code 123 | 3 | echo {{`exit 123`}} | ^^^^^^^^^^ ", ); } #[test] fn assignment_backtick_failure() { integration_test( &[], "foo: echo hello echo {{`exit 111`}} a = `exit 222`", 222, "", "error: backtick failed with exit code 222 | 4 | a = `exit 222` | ^^^^^^^^^^ ", ); } #[test] fn unknown_override_options() { integration_test( &["--set", "foo", "bar", "a", "b", "--set", "baz", "bob", "--set", "a", "b"], "foo: echo hello echo {{`exit 111`}} a = `exit 222`", 255, "", "error: Variables `baz` and `foo` overridden on the command line but not present \ in justfile\n", ); } #[test] fn unknown_override_args() { integration_test( &["foo=bar", "baz=bob", "a=b", "a", "b"], "foo: echo hello echo {{`exit 111`}} a = `exit 222`", 255, "", "error: Variables `baz` and `foo` overridden on the command line but not present \ in justfile\n", ); } #[test] fn unknown_override_arg() { integration_test( &["foo=bar", "a=b", "a", "b"], "foo: echo hello echo {{`exit 111`}} a = `exit 222`", 255, "", "error: Variable `foo` overridden on the command line but not present in justfile\n", ); } #[test] fn overrides_first() { integration_test( &["foo=bar", "a=b", "recipe", "baz=bar"], r#" foo = "foo" a = "a" baz = "baz" recipe arg: echo arg={{arg}} echo {{foo + a + baz}}"#, 0, "arg=baz=bar\nbarbbaz\n", "echo arg=baz=bar\necho barbbaz\n", ); } #[test] fn overrides_not_evaluated() { integration_test( &["foo=bar", "a=b", "recipe", "baz=bar"], r#" foo = `exit 1` a = "a" baz = "baz" recipe arg: echo arg={{arg}} echo {{foo + a + baz}}"#, 0, "arg=baz=bar\nbarbbaz\n", "echo arg=baz=bar\necho barbbaz\n", ); } #[test] fn dry_run() { integration_test( &["--dry-run", "shebang", "command"], r#" var = `echo stderr 1>&2; echo backtick` command: @touch /this/is/not/a/file {{var}} echo {{`echo command interpolation`}} shebang: #!/bin/sh touch /this/is/not/a/file {{var}} echo {{`echo shebang interpolation`}}"#, 0, "", "stderr #!/bin/sh touch /this/is/not/a/file backtick echo shebang interpolation touch /this/is/not/a/file backtick echo command interpolation ", ); } #[test] fn evaluate() { integration_test( &["--evaluate"], r#" foo = "a\t" hello = "c" bar = "b\t" ab = foo + bar + hello wut: touch /this/is/not/a/file "#, 0, r#"ab = "a b c" bar = "b " foo = "a " hello = "c" "#, "", ); } #[test] fn export_success() { integration_test( &[], r#" export foo = "a" baz = "c" export bar = "b" export abc = foo + bar + baz wut: echo $foo $bar $abc "#, 0, "a b abc\n", "echo $foo $bar $abc\n", ); } #[test] fn export_override() { integration_test( &["foo=hello", "--set", "bar", "bye"], r#" export foo = "a" baz = "c" export bar = "b" export abc = foo + "-" + bar + "-" + baz wut: echo $foo $bar $abc "#, 0, "hello bye hello-bye-c\n", "echo $foo $bar $abc\n", ); } #[test] fn export_shebang() { integration_test( &[], r#" export foo = "a" baz = "c" export bar = "b" export abc = foo + bar + baz wut: #!/bin/sh echo $foo $bar $abc "#, 0, "a b abc\n", "", ); } #[test] fn export_recipe_backtick() { integration_test( &[], r#" export exported_variable = "A-IS-A" recipe: echo {{`echo recipe $exported_variable`}} "#, 0, "recipe A-IS-A\n", "echo recipe A-IS-A\n", ); } #[test] fn raw_string() { integration_test( &[], r#" export exported_variable = '\\\\\\"' recipe: echo {{`echo recipe $exported_variable`}} "#, 0, "recipe \\\"\n", "echo recipe \\\\\\\"\n", ); } #[test] fn line_error_spacing() { integration_test( &[], r#" ??? "#, 255, "", "error: unknown start of token: | 10 | ??? | ^ ", ); } #[test] fn quiet_flag_no_stdout() { integration_test( &["--quiet"], r#" default: @echo hello "#, 0, "", "", ); } #[test] fn quiet_flag_no_stderr() { integration_test( &["--quiet"], r#" default: @echo hello 1>&2 "#, 0, "", "", ); } #[test] fn quiet_flag_no_command_echoing() { integration_test( &["--quiet"], r#" default: exit "#, 0, "", "", ); } #[test] fn quiet_flag_no_error_messages() { integration_test( &["--quiet"], r#" default: exit 100 "#, 100, "", "", ); } #[test] fn quiet_flag_no_assignment_backtick_stderr() { integration_test( &["--quiet"], r#" a = `echo hello 1>&2` default: exit 100 "#, 100, "", "", ); } #[test] fn quiet_flag_no_interpolation_backtick_stderr() { integration_test( &["--quiet"], r#" default: echo `echo hello 1>&2` exit 100 "#, 100, "", "", ); } #[test] fn quiet_flag_or_dry_run_flag() { integration_test( &["--quiet", "--dry-run"], "", 1, "", "error: The argument '--dry-run' cannot be used with '--quiet' USAGE: just --quiet --color For more information try --help\n", ); } #[test] fn argument_single() { integration_test( &["foo", "ARGUMENT"], " foo A: echo {{A}} ", 0, "ARGUMENT\n", "echo ARGUMENT\n", ); } #[test] fn argument_multiple() { integration_test( &["foo", "ONE", "TWO"], " foo A B: echo A:{{A}} B:{{B}} ", 0, "A:ONE B:TWO\n", "echo A:ONE B:TWO\n", ); } #[test] fn argument_mismatch_more() { integration_test( &["foo", "ONE", "TWO", "THREE"], " foo A B: echo A:{{A}} B:{{B}} ", 255, "", "error: Recipe `foo` got 3 arguments but only takes 2\n", ); } #[test] fn argument_mismatch_fewer() { integration_test( &["foo", "ONE"], " foo A B: echo A:{{A}} B:{{B}} ", 255, "", "error: Recipe `foo` got 1 argument but takes 2\n" ); } #[test] fn argument_mismatch_more_with_default() { integration_test( &["foo", "ONE", "TWO", "THREE"], " foo A B='B': echo A:{{A}} B:{{B}} ", 255, "", "error: Recipe `foo` got 3 arguments but takes at most 2\n", ); } #[test] fn argument_mismatch_fewer_with_default() { integration_test( &["foo", "bar"], " foo A B C='C': echo A:{{A}} B:{{B}} C:{{C}} ", 255, "", "error: Recipe `foo` got 1 argument but takes at least 2\n", ); } #[test] fn unknown_recipe() { integration_test( &["foo"], "hello:", 255, "", "error: Justfile does not contain recipe `foo`.\n", ); } #[test] fn unknown_recipes() { integration_test( &["foo", "bar"], "hello:", 255, "", "error: Justfile does not contain recipes `foo` or `bar`.\n", ); } #[test] fn color_always() { integration_test( &["--color", "always"], "b = a\na = `exit 100`\nbar:\n echo '{{`exit 200`}}'", 100, "", "\u{1b}[1;31merror:\u{1b}[0m \u{1b}[1mbacktick failed with exit code 100 \u{1b}[0m |\n2 | a = `exit 100`\n | \u{1b}[1;31m^^^^^^^^^^\u{1b}[0m\n", ); } #[test] fn color_never() { integration_test( &["--color", "never"], "b = a\na = `exit 100`\nbar:\n echo '{{`exit 200`}}'", 100, "", "error: backtick failed with exit code 100 | 2 | a = `exit 100` | ^^^^^^^^^^ ", ); } #[test] fn color_auto() { integration_test( &["--color", "auto"], "b = a\na = `exit 100`\nbar:\n echo '{{`exit 200`}}'", 100, "", "error: backtick failed with exit code 100 | 2 | a = `exit 100` | ^^^^^^^^^^ ", ); } #[test] fn colors_no_context() { let text =" recipe: @exit 100"; integration_test( &["--color=always"], text, 100, "", "\u{1b}[1;31merror:\u{1b}[0m \u{1b}[1mRecipe `recipe` failed with exit code 100\u{1b}[0m\n", ); } #[test] fn dump() { let text =" # this recipe does something recipe: @exit 100"; integration_test( &["--dump"], text, 0, "# this recipe does something recipe: @exit 100 ", "", ); } #[test] fn required_after_default() { integration_test( &[], "bar:\nhello baz arg='foo' bar:", 255, "", "error: non-default parameter `bar` follows default parameter | 2 | hello baz arg='foo' bar: | ^^^ ", ); } #[test] fn use_string_default() { integration_test( &["hello", "ABC"], r#" bar: hello baz arg="XYZ\t\" ": echo '{{baz}}...{{arg}}' "#, 0, "ABC...XYZ\t\"\t\n", "echo 'ABC...XYZ\t\"\t'\n", ); } #[test] fn use_raw_string_default() { integration_test( &["hello", "ABC"], r#" bar: hello baz arg='XYZ\t\" ': echo '{{baz}}...{{arg}}' "#, 0, "ABC...XYZ\t\\\"\t\n", "echo 'ABC...XYZ\\t\\\"\t'\n", ); } #[test] fn supply_use_default() { integration_test( &["hello", "0", "1"], r#" hello a b='B' c='C': echo {{a}} {{b}} {{c}} "#, 0, "0 1 C\n", "echo 0 1 C\n", ); } #[test] fn supply_defaults() { integration_test( &["hello", "0", "1", "2"], r#" hello a b='B' c='C': echo {{a}} {{b}} {{c}} "#, 0, "0 1 2\n", "echo 0 1 2\n", ); } #[test] fn list() { integration_test( &["--list"], r#" # this does a thing hello a b='B ' c='C': echo {{a}} {{b}} {{c}} # this comment will be ignored a Z="\t z": "#, 0, r"Available recipes: a Z='\t z' hello a b='B\t' c='C' # this does a thing ", "", ); } #[test] fn show_suggestion() { integration_test( &["--show", "hell"], r#" hello a b='B ' c='C': echo {{a}} {{b}} {{c}} a Z="\t z": "#, 255, "", "Justfile does not contain recipe `hell`.\nDid you mean `hello`?\n", ); } #[test] fn show_no_suggestion() { integration_test( &["--show", "hell"], r#" helloooooo a b='B ' c='C': echo {{a}} {{b}} {{c}} a Z="\t z": "#, 255, "", "Justfile does not contain recipe `hell`.\n", ); } #[test] fn run_suggestion() { integration_test( &["hell"], r#" hello a b='B ' c='C': echo {{a}} {{b}} {{c}} a Z="\t z": "#, 255, "", "error: Justfile does not contain recipe `hell`.\nDid you mean `hello`?\n", ); } #[test] fn line_continuation_with_space() { integration_test( &[], r#" foo: echo a\ b \ c "#, 0, "a b c\n", "echo a b c\n", ); } #[test] fn line_continuation_with_quoted_space() { integration_test( &[], r#" foo: echo 'a\ b \ c' "#, 0, "a b c\n", "echo 'a b c'\n", ); } #[test] fn line_continuation_no_space() { integration_test( &[], r#" foo: echo a\ b\ c "#, 0, "abc\n", "echo abc\n", ); } #[test] fn quiet_recipe() { integration_test( &[], r#" @quiet: # a # b @echo c "#, 0, "c\n", "echo c\n", ); } #[test] fn quiet_shebang_recipe() { integration_test( &[], r#" @quiet: #!/bin/sh echo hello "#, 0, "hello\n", "#!/bin/sh\necho hello\n", ); } #[test] fn complex_dependencies() { integration_test( &["b"], r#" a: b b: c: b a "#, 0, "", "" ); } #[test] fn long_circular_recipe_dependency() { integration_test( &["a"], "a: b\nb: c\nc: d\nd: a", 255, "", "error: recipe `d` has circular dependency `a -> b -> c -> d -> a` | 4 | d: a | ^ ", ); } #[test] fn multiline_raw_string() { integration_test( &["a"], " string = 'hello whatever' a: echo '{{string}}' ", 0, "hello whatever ", "echo 'hello whatever' ", ); } #[test] fn error_line_after_multiline_raw_string() { integration_test( &["a"], " string = 'hello whatever' + 'yo' a: echo '{{foo}}' ", 255, "", "error: variable `foo` not defined | 7 | echo '{{foo}}' | ^^^ ", ); } #[test] fn error_column_after_multiline_raw_string() { integration_test( &["a"], " string = 'hello whatever' + bar a: echo '{{string}}' ", 255, "", "error: variable `bar` not defined | 4 | whatever' + bar | ^^^ ", ); } #[test] fn multiline_raw_string_in_interpolation() { integration_test( &["a"], r#" a: echo '{{"a" + ' ' + "b"}}' "#, 0, "a b ", "echo 'a b' ", ); } #[test] fn error_line_after_multiline_raw_string_in_interpolation() { integration_test( &["a"], r#" a: echo '{{"a" + ' ' + "b"}}' echo {{b}} "#, 255, "", "error: variable `b` not defined | 6 | echo {{b}} | ^ ", ); } #[test] fn unterminated_raw_string() { integration_test( &["a"], " a b=': ", 255, "", "error: unterminated string | 2 | a b=': | ^ ", ); } #[test] fn unterminated_string() { integration_test( &["a"], r#" a b=": "#, 255, "", r#"error: unterminated string | 2 | a b=": | ^ "#, ); }