#[cfg(test)] mod tests; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; extern crate regex; extern crate tempdir; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::{fs, fmt, process, io}; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet}; use std::fmt::Display; use regex::Regex; use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; macro_rules! warn { ($($arg:tt)*) => {{ extern crate std; use std::io::prelude::*; let _ = writeln!(&mut std::io::stderr(), $($arg)*); }}; } macro_rules! die { ($($arg:tt)*) => {{ extern crate std; warn!($($arg)*); std::process::exit(-1) }}; } pub trait Slurp { fn slurp(&mut self) -> Result; } impl Slurp for fs::File { fn slurp(&mut self) -> Result { let mut destination = String::new(); try!(self.read_to_string(&mut destination)); Ok(destination) } } fn re(pattern: &str) -> Regex { Regex::new(pattern).unwrap() } pub struct Recipe<'a> { line_number: usize, label: &'a str, name: &'a str, // leading_whitespace: &'a str, lines: Vec<&'a str>, // fragments: Vec>>, // variables: BTreeSet<&'a str>, dependencies: Vec<&'a str>, // arguments: Vec<&'a str>, shebang: bool, } /* enum Fragment<'a> { Text{text: &'a str}, Variable{name: &'a str}, } */ impl<'a> Display for Recipe<'a> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { try!(writeln!(f, "{}", self.label)); for (i, line) in self.lines.iter().enumerate() { if i + 1 < self.lines.len() { try!(writeln!(f, " {}", line)); } { try!(write!(f, " {}", line)); } } Ok(()) } } #[cfg(unix)] fn error_from_signal<'a>(recipe: &'a str, exit_status: process::ExitStatus) -> RunError<'a> { use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt; match exit_status.signal() { Some(signal) => RunError::Signal{recipe: recipe, signal: signal}, None => RunError::UnknownFailure{recipe: recipe}, } } #[cfg(windows)] fn error_from_signal<'a>(recipe: &'a str, exit_status: process::ExitStatus) -> RunError<'a> { RunError::UnknownFailure{recipe: recipe} } impl<'a> Recipe<'a> { fn run(&self) -> Result<(), RunError<'a>> { if self.shebang { let tmp = try!( tempdir::TempDir::new("j") .map_err(|error| RunError::TmpdirIoError{recipe: self.name, io_error: error}) ); let mut path = tmp.path().to_path_buf(); path.push(self.name); { let mut f = try!( fs::File::create(&path) .map_err(|error| RunError::TmpdirIoError{recipe: self.name, io_error: error}) ); let mut text = String::new(); // add the shebang text += self.lines[0]; text += "\n"; // add blank lines so that lines in the generated script // have the same line number as the corresponding lines // in the justfile for _ in 1..(self.line_number + 2) { text += "\n" } for line in &self.lines[1..] { text += line; text += "\n"; } try!( f.write_all(text.as_bytes()) .map_err(|error| RunError::TmpdirIoError{recipe: self.name, io_error: error}) ); } // get current permissions let mut perms = try!( fs::metadata(&path) .map_err(|error| RunError::TmpdirIoError{recipe: self.name, io_error: error}) ).permissions(); // make the script executable let current_mode = perms.mode(); perms.set_mode(current_mode | 0o100); try!(fs::set_permissions(&path, perms).map_err(|error| RunError::TmpdirIoError{recipe: self.name, io_error: error})); // run it! let status = process::Command::new(path).status(); try!(match status { Ok(exit_status) => if let Some(code) = exit_status.code() { if code == 0 { Ok(()) } else { Err(RunError::Code{recipe: self.name, code: code}) } } else { Err(error_from_signal(self.name, exit_status)) }, Err(io_error) => Err(RunError::TmpdirIoError{recipe: self.name, io_error: io_error}) }); } else { for command in &self.lines { let mut command = *command; if !command.starts_with("@") { warn!("{}", command); } else { command = &command[1..]; } let status = process::Command::new("sh") .arg("-cu") .arg(command) .status(); try!(match status { Ok(exit_status) => if let Some(code) = exit_status.code() { if code == 0 { Ok(()) } else { Err(RunError::Code{recipe: self.name, code: code}) } } else { Err(error_from_signal(self.name, exit_status)) }, Err(io_error) => Err(RunError::IoError{recipe: self.name, io_error: io_error}) }); } } Ok(()) } } /* fn resolve<'a>( text: &'a str, recipes: &BTreeMap<&str, Recipe<'a>>, resolved: &mut HashSet<&'a str>, seen: &mut HashSet<&'a str>, stack: &mut Vec<&'a str>, recipe: &Recipe<'a>, ) -> Result<(), Error<'a>> { if resolved.contains(recipe.name) { return Ok(()) } stack.push(recipe.name); seen.insert(recipe.name); for dependency_name in &recipe.dependencies { match recipes.get(dependency_name) { Some(dependency) => if !resolved.contains(dependency.name) { if seen.contains(dependency.name) { let first = stack[0]; stack.push(first); return Err(error(text, recipe.line_number, ErrorKind::CircularDependency { circle: stack.iter() .skip_while(|name| **name != dependency.name) .cloned().collect() })); } return resolve(text, recipes, resolved, seen, stack, dependency); }, None => return Err(error(text, recipe.line_number, ErrorKind::UnknownDependency { name: recipe.name, unknown: dependency_name })), } } resolved.insert(recipe.name); stack.pop(); Ok(()) } */ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct Error<'a> { text: &'a str, index: usize, line: usize, column: usize, kind: ErrorKind<'a>, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] enum ErrorKind<'a> { // BadRecipeName{name: &'a str}, // CircularDependency{circle: Vec<&'a str>}, // DuplicateDependency{name: &'a str}, // DuplicateArgument{recipe: &'a str, argument: &'a str}, // DuplicateRecipe{first: usize, name: &'a str}, // TabAfterSpace{whitespace: &'a str}, // MixedLeadingWhitespace{whitespace: &'a str}, // ExtraLeadingWhitespace, InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected: &'a str, found: &'a str}, OuterShebang, // NonLeadingShebang{recipe: &'a str}, // UnknownDependency{name: &'a str, unknown: &'a str}, // Unparsable, // UnparsableDependencies, UnknownStartOfToken, InternalError{message: String}, } // fn error<'a>(text: &'a str, line: usize, kind: ErrorKind<'a>) // -> Error<'a> // { // Error { // text: text, // line: line, // kind: kind, // } // } fn show_whitespace(text: &str) -> String { text.chars().map(|c| match c { '\t' => 't', ' ' => 's', _ => c }).collect() } /* fn mixed(text: &str) -> bool { !(text.chars().all(|c| c == ' ') || text.chars().all(|c| c == '\t')) } */ /* fn tab_after_space(text: &str) -> bool { let mut space = false; for c in text.chars() { match c { ' ' => space = true, '\t' => if space { return true; }, _ => {}, } } return false; } */ impl<'a> Display for Error<'a> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { try!(write!(f, "justfile:{}: ", self.line)); match self.kind { // ErrorKind::BadRecipeName{name} => { // try!(writeln!(f, "recipe name does not match /[a-z](-[a-z]|[a-z])*/: {}", name)); // } // ErrorKind::CircularDependency{ref circle} => { // try!(write!(f, "circular dependency: {}", circle.join(" -> "))); // return Ok(()); // } // ErrorKind::DuplicateArgument{recipe, argument} => { // try!(writeln!(f, "recipe {} has duplicate argument: {}", recipe, argument)); //} // ErrorKind::DuplicateDependency{name} => { // try!(writeln!(f, "duplicate dependency: {}", name)); // } // ErrorKind::DuplicateRecipe{first, name} => { // try!(write!(f, "duplicate recipe: {} appears on lines {} and {}", // name, first, self.line)); // return Ok(()); // } // ErrorKind::TabAfterSpace{whitespace} => { // try!(writeln!(f, "found tab after space: {}", show_whitespace(whitespace))); // } // ErrorKind::MixedLeadingWhitespace{whitespace} => { // try!(writeln!(f, // "inconsistant leading whitespace: recipe started with {}:", // show_whitespace(whitespace) // )); // } // ErrorKind::ExtraLeadingWhitespace => { // try!(writeln!(f, "line has extra leading whitespace")); // } ErrorKind::InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected, found} => { try!(writeln!(f, "inconsistant leading whitespace: recipe started with \"{}\" but found line with \"{}\":", show_whitespace(expected), show_whitespace(found) )); } ErrorKind::OuterShebang => { try!(writeln!(f, "a shebang \"#!\" is reserved syntax outside of recipes")) } // ErrorKind::NonLeadingShebang{..} => { // try!(writeln!(f, "a shebang \"#!\" may only appear on the first line of a recipe")) //} // ErrorKind::UnknownDependency{name, unknown} => { // try!(writeln!(f, "recipe {} has unknown dependency {}", name, unknown)); // } // ErrorKind::Unparsable => { // try!(writeln!(f, "could not parse line:")); // } // ErrorKind::UnparsableDependencies => { // try!(writeln!(f, "could not parse dependencies:")); // } ErrorKind::UnknownStartOfToken => { try!(writeln!(f, "uknown start of token:")); } ErrorKind::InternalError{ref message} => { try!(writeln!(f, "internal error, this may indicate a bug in j: {}\n consider filing an issue: https://github.com/casey/j/issues/new", message)); } } match self.text.lines().nth(self.line) { Some(line) => try!(write!(f, "{}", line)), None => try!(write!(f, "internal error: Error has invalid line number: {}", self.line)), }; Ok(()) } } pub struct Justfile<'a> { recipes: BTreeMap<&'a str, Recipe<'a>>, } impl<'a> Justfile<'a> { pub fn first(&self) -> Option<&'a str> { let mut first: Option<&Recipe<'a>> = None; for (_, recipe) in self.recipes.iter() { if let Some(first_recipe) = first { if recipe.line_number < first_recipe.line_number { first = Some(recipe) } } else { first = Some(recipe); } } first.map(|recipe| recipe.name) } pub fn count(&self) -> usize { self.recipes.len() } pub fn recipes(&self) -> Vec<&'a str> { self.recipes.keys().cloned().collect() } fn run_recipe(&self, recipe: &Recipe<'a>, ran: &mut HashSet<&'a str>) -> Result<(), RunError> { for dependency_name in &recipe.dependencies { if !ran.contains(dependency_name) { try!(self.run_recipe(&self.recipes[dependency_name], ran)); } } try!(recipe.run()); ran.insert(recipe.name); Ok(()) } pub fn run<'b>(&'a self, names: &[&'b str]) -> Result<(), RunError<'b>> where 'a: 'b { let mut missing = vec![]; for recipe in names { if !self.recipes.contains_key(recipe) { missing.push(*recipe); } } if missing.len() > 0 { return Err(RunError::UnknownRecipes{recipes: missing}); } let recipes = names.iter().map(|name| self.recipes.get(name).unwrap()).collect::>(); let mut ran = HashSet::new(); for recipe in recipes { try!(self.run_recipe(recipe, &mut ran)); } Ok(()) } pub fn get(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&Recipe<'a>> { self.recipes.get(name) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum RunError<'a> { UnknownRecipes{recipes: Vec<&'a str>}, Signal{recipe: &'a str, signal: i32}, Code{recipe: &'a str, code: i32}, UnknownFailure{recipe: &'a str}, IoError{recipe: &'a str, io_error: io::Error}, TmpdirIoError{recipe: &'a str, io_error: io::Error}, } impl<'a> Display for RunError<'a> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { match self { &RunError::UnknownRecipes{ref recipes} => { if recipes.len() == 1 { try!(write!(f, "Justfile does not contain recipe: {}", recipes[0])); } else { try!(write!(f, "Justfile does not contain recipes: {}", recipes.join(" "))); }; }, &RunError::Code{recipe, code} => { try!(write!(f, "Recipe \"{}\" failed with code {}", recipe, code)); }, &RunError::Signal{recipe, signal} => { try!(write!(f, "Recipe \"{}\" wast terminated by signal {}", recipe, signal)); } &RunError::UnknownFailure{recipe} => { try!(write!(f, "Recipe \"{}\" failed for an unknown reason", recipe)); }, &RunError::IoError{recipe, ref io_error} => { try!(match io_error.kind() { io::ErrorKind::NotFound => write!(f, "Recipe \"{}\" could not be run because j could not find `sh` the command:\n{}", recipe, io_error), io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => write!(f, "Recipe \"{}\" could not be run because j could not run `sh`:\n{}", recipe, io_error), _ => write!(f, "Recipe \"{}\" could not be run because of an IO error while launching the `sh`:\n{}", recipe, io_error), }); }, &RunError::TmpdirIoError{recipe, ref io_error} => try!(write!(f, "Recipe \"{}\" could not be run because of an IO error while trying to create a temporary directory or write a file to that directory`:\n{}", recipe, io_error)), } Ok(()) } } struct Token<'a> { index: usize, line: usize, column: usize, prefix: &'a str, lexeme: &'a str, class: TokenClass, } impl<'a> Token<'a> { fn error(&self, text: &'a str, kind: ErrorKind<'a>) -> Error<'a> { Error { text: text, index: self.index, line: self.line, column: self.column, kind: kind, } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)] enum TokenClass { Name, Colon, Equals, Comment, Line, Indent, Dedent, Eol, Eof, } use TokenClass::*; fn token(pattern: &str) -> Regex { let mut s = String::new(); s += r"^(?m)([ \t]*)("; s += pattern; s += ")"; re(&s) } fn tokenize(text: &str) -> Result, Error> { lazy_static! { static ref EOF: Regex = token(r"(?-m)$" ); static ref NAME: Regex = token(r"[a-z]((_|-)?[a-z0-9])*"); static ref COLON: Regex = token(r":" ); static ref EQUALS: Regex = token(r"=" ); static ref COMMENT: Regex = token(r"#([^!].*)?$" ); static ref EOL: Regex = token(r"\n|\r\n" ); static ref LINE: Regex = re(r"^(?m)[ \t]+[^ \t\n\r].*$"); static ref INDENT: Regex = re(r"^([ \t]*)[^ \t\n\r]" ); } fn indentation(text: &str) -> Option<&str> { INDENT.captures(text).map(|captures| captures.at(1).unwrap()) } let mut tokens = vec![]; let mut rest = text; let mut index = 0; let mut line = 0; let mut column = 0; let mut indent: Option<&str> = None; macro_rules! error { ($kind:expr) => {{ Err(Error { text: text, index: index, line: line, column: column, kind: $kind, }) }}; } loop { if column == 0 { if let Some(class) = match (indent, indentation(rest)) { // ignore: was no indentation and there still isn't (None, Some("")) => { None } // ignore: current line is blank (_, None) => { None } // indent: was no indentation, now there is (None, Some(current @ _)) => { // check mixed leading whitespace indent = Some(current); Some(Indent) } // dedent: there was indentation and now there isn't (Some(_), Some("")) => { indent = None; Some(Dedent) } // was indentation and still is, check if the new indentation matches (Some(previous), Some(current)) => { if !current.starts_with(previous) { return error!(ErrorKind::InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{ expected: previous, found: current }); } None // check tabs after spaces } } { tokens.push(Token { index: index, line: line, column: column, prefix: "", lexeme: "", class: class, }); } } let (prefix, lexeme, class) = if let (0, Some(indent), Some(captures)) = (column, indent, LINE.captures(rest)) { let line = captures.at(0).unwrap(); if !line.starts_with(indent) { return error!(ErrorKind::InternalError{message: "unexpected indent".to_string()}); } let (prefix, lexeme) = line.split_at(indent.len()); (prefix, lexeme, Line) } else if let Some(captures) = NAME.captures(rest) { (captures.at(1).unwrap(), captures.at(2).unwrap(), Name) } else if let Some(captures) = EOL.captures(rest) { (captures.at(1).unwrap(), captures.at(2).unwrap(), Eol) } else if let Some(captures) = EOF.captures(rest) { (captures.at(1).unwrap(), captures.at(2).unwrap(), Eof) } else if let Some(captures) = COLON.captures(rest) { (captures.at(1).unwrap(), captures.at(2).unwrap(), Colon) } else if let Some(captures) = EQUALS.captures(rest) { (captures.at(1).unwrap(), captures.at(2).unwrap(), Equals) } else if let Some(captures) = COMMENT.captures(rest) { (captures.at(1).unwrap(), captures.at(2).unwrap(), Comment) } else { return if rest.starts_with("#!") { error!(ErrorKind::OuterShebang) } else { error!(ErrorKind::UnknownStartOfToken) }; }; let len = prefix.len() + lexeme.len(); tokens.push(Token { index: index, line: line, column: column, prefix: prefix, lexeme: lexeme, class: class, }); match tokens.last().unwrap().class { Eol => { line += 1; column = 0; }, Eof => { break; }, _ => { column += len; } } rest = &rest[len..]; index += len; } Ok(tokens) } pub fn parse<'a>(text: &'a str) -> Result { let tokens = try!(tokenize(text)); let filtered: Vec<_> = tokens.into_iter().filter(|t| t.class != Comment).collect(); let parser = Parser{ text: text, tokens: filtered.into_iter().peekable() }; let justfile = try!(parser.file()); Ok(justfile) } struct Parser<'a> { text: &'a str, tokens: std::iter::Peekable>> } impl<'a> Parser<'a> { /* fn accept(&mut self, class: TokenClass) -> Option> { if self.peek(class) { self.tokens.next() } else { None } } fn accepted(&mut self, class: TokenClass) -> bool { self.accept(class).is_some() } fn peek(&mut self, class: TokenClass) -> bool { self.tokens.peek().unwrap().class == class } */ /* fn expect(&mut self, class: TokenClass) { if !self.accepted(class) { panic!("we fucked"); } } */ /* // fn accept(&mut self) -> Result, Error<'t>> { // match self.peek( // } fn recipe(&mut self, name: &'a str) -> Result, Error<'a>> { let mut arguments = vec![]; loop { if let Some(name_token) = self.accept(Name) { if arguments.contains(&name_token.lexeme) { return Err(error(self.text, name_token.line, ErrorKind::DuplicateArgument{ recipe: name, argument: name_token.lexeme})); } arguments.push(name_token.lexeme); } else { break; } } self.expect(Colon); let mut dependencies = vec![]; loop { if let Some(name_token) = self.accept(Name) { if dependencies.contains(&name_token.lexeme) { panic!("duplicate dependency"); // return Err(error(self.text, name_token.line, ErrorKind::DuplicateDependency{ // name: name_token.lexeme})); } dependencies.push(name_token.lexeme); } else { break; } } // if !self.accept_eol() { // return Err(error(self.text, i, ErrorKind::UnparsableDependencies)); // } panic!("we fucked"); // Ok(Recipe{ // }) } */ fn error(self, token: &Token<'a>, kind: ErrorKind<'a>) -> Error<'a> { token.error(self.text, kind) } fn file(mut self) -> Result, Error<'a>> { let recipes = BTreeMap::new(); loop { match self.tokens.next() { Some(token) => match token.class { Eof => break, Eol => continue, _ => return Err(self.error(&token, ErrorKind::InternalError { message: format!("unhandled token class: {:?}", token.class) })), }, None => return Err(Error { text: self.text, index: 0, line: 0, column: 0, kind: ErrorKind::InternalError { message: "unexpected end of token stream".to_string() } }), } } /* loop { if self.accepted(Eof) { break; } if self.accept_eol() { continue; } match self.tokens.next() { Some(Token{class: Name, lexeme: name, ..}) => { if self.accepted(Equals) { panic!("Variable assignment not yet implemented"); } else { if recipes.contains_key(name) { // return Err(error(self.text, line, ErrorKind::DuplicateDependency{ // name: name, // })); panic!("duplicate dep"); } let recipe = try!(self.recipe(name)); recipes.insert(name, recipe); } } _ => panic!("got something else") }; } */ if let Some(ref token) = self.tokens.next() { return Err(self.error(token, ErrorKind::InternalError{ message: format!("unexpected token remaining after parsing completed: {:?}", token.class) })) } Ok(Justfile{recipes: recipes}) } }