use crate::common::*; pub fn run() -> Result<(), i32> { #[cfg(windows)] ansi_term::enable_ansi_support().ok(); env_logger::Builder::from_env( env_logger::Env::new() .filter("JUST_LOG") .write_style("JUST_LOG_STYLE"), ) .init(); let app = Config::app(); let matches = app.get_matches(); let config = match Config::from_matches(&matches) { Ok(config) => config, Err(error) => { eprintln!("error: {}", error); return Err(EXIT_FAILURE); } }; let justfile = config.justfile; if let Some(directory) = config.search_directory { if let Err(error) = env::set_current_dir(&directory) { die!( "Error changing directory to {}: {}", directory.display(), error ); } } let mut working_directory =; if let (Some(justfile), None) = (justfile, working_directory.as_ref()) { let mut justfile = justfile.to_path_buf(); if !justfile.is_absolute() { match justfile.canonicalize() { Ok(canonical) => justfile = canonical, Err(err) => { eprintln!( "Could not canonicalize justfile path `{}`: {}", justfile.display(), err ); return Err(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } justfile.pop(); working_directory = Some(justfile); } let text; if let (Some(justfile), Some(directory)) = (justfile, working_directory) { if config.subcommand == Subcommand::Edit { return Subcommand::edit(justfile); } text = fs::read_to_string(justfile) .unwrap_or_else(|error| die!("Error reading justfile: {}", error)); if let Err(error) = env::set_current_dir(&directory) { die!( "Error changing directory to {}: {}", directory.display(), error ); } } else { let current_dir = match env::current_dir() { Ok(current_dir) => current_dir, Err(io_error) => die!("Error getting current dir: {}", io_error), }; match search::justfile(¤t_dir) { Ok(name) => { if config.subcommand == Subcommand::Edit { return Subcommand::edit(&name); } text = match fs::read_to_string(&name) { Err(error) => { eprintln!("Error reading justfile: {}", error); return Err(EXIT_FAILURE); } Ok(text) => text, }; let parent = name.parent().unwrap(); if let Err(error) = env::set_current_dir(&parent) { eprintln!( "Error changing directory to {}: {}", parent.display(), error ); return Err(EXIT_FAILURE); } } Err(search_error) => { eprintln!("{}", search_error); return Err(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } let justfile = match Compiler::compile(&text) { Err(error) => { if config.color.stderr().active() { eprintln!("{:#}", error); } else { eprintln!("{}", error); } return Err(EXIT_FAILURE); } Ok(justfile) => justfile, }; for warning in &justfile.warnings { if config.color.stderr().active() { eprintln!("{:#}", warning); } else { eprintln!("{}", warning); } }, justfile) }