extern crate tempdir; use super::{Token, Error, ErrorKind, Justfile}; use super::TokenKind::*; fn tokenize_success(text: &str, expected_summary: &str) { let tokens = super::tokenize(text).unwrap(); let roundtrip = tokens.iter().map(|t| { let mut s = String::new(); s += t.prefix; s += t.lexeme; s }).collect::>().join(""); let summary = token_summary(&tokens); if summary != expected_summary { panic!("token summary mismatch:\nexpected: {}\ngot: {}\n", expected_summary, summary); } assert_eq!(text, roundtrip); } fn tokenize_error(text: &str, expected: Error) { if let Err(error) = super::tokenize(text) { assert_eq!(error.text, expected.text); assert_eq!(error.index, expected.index); assert_eq!(error.line, expected.line); assert_eq!(error.column, expected.column); assert_eq!(error.kind, expected.kind); assert_eq!(error, expected); } else { panic!("tokenize() succeeded but expected: {}\n{}", expected, text); } } fn token_summary(tokens: &[Token]) -> String { tokens.iter().map(|t| { match t.kind { super::TokenKind::Backtick => "`", super::TokenKind::Colon => ":", super::TokenKind::Comment{..} => "#", super::TokenKind::Dedent => "<", super::TokenKind::Eof => ".", super::TokenKind::Eol => "$", super::TokenKind::Equals => "=", super::TokenKind::Indent{..} => ">", super::TokenKind::InterpolationEnd => "}", super::TokenKind::InterpolationStart => "{", super::TokenKind::Line{..} => "^", super::TokenKind::Name => "N", super::TokenKind::Plus => "+", super::TokenKind::StringToken => "'", super::TokenKind::Text => "_", } }).collect::>().join("") } fn parse_success(text: &str) -> Justfile { match super::parse(text) { Ok(justfile) => justfile, Err(error) => panic!("Expected successful parse but got error:\n{}", error), } } fn parse_summary(input: &str, output: &str) { let justfile = parse_success(input); let s = format!("{:#}", justfile); if s != output { println!("got:\n\"{}\"\n", s); println!("\texpected:\n\"{}\"", output); assert_eq!(s, output); } } fn parse_error(text: &str, expected: Error) { if let Err(error) = super::parse(text) { assert_eq!(error.text, expected.text); assert_eq!(error.index, expected.index); assert_eq!(error.line, expected.line); assert_eq!(error.column, expected.column); assert_eq!(error.kind, expected.kind); assert_eq!(error.width, expected.width); assert_eq!(error, expected); } else { panic!("Expected {:?} but parse succeeded", expected.kind); } } #[test] fn tokenize_recipe_interpolation_eol() { let text = "foo: {{hello}} "; tokenize_success(text, "N:$>^{N}$<."); } #[test] fn tokenize_recipe_interpolation_eof() { let text = "foo: {{hello}}"; tokenize_success(text, "N:$>^{N}<."); } #[test] fn tokenize_recipe_complex_interpolation_expression() { let text = "foo:\n {{a + b + \"z\" + blarg}}"; tokenize_success(text, "N:$>^{N+N+'+N}<."); } #[test] fn tokenize_recipe_multiple_interpolations() { let text = "foo:\n {{a}}0{{b}}1{{c}}"; tokenize_success(text, "N:$>^{N}_{N}_{N}<."); } #[test] fn tokenize_junk() { let text = "bob hello blah blah blah : a b c #whatever "; tokenize_success(text, "N$$NNNN:NNN#$."); } #[test] fn tokenize_empty_lines() { let text = " hello: asdf bsdf csdf dsdf "; tokenize_success(text, "$N:$>^_$^_$$^_$$^_$<."); } #[test] fn tokenize_multiple() { let text = " hello: a b c d bob: frank "; tokenize_success(text, "$N:$>^_$^_$$^_$$^_$$^_$<."); } #[test] fn tokenize_comment() { tokenize_success("a:=#", "N:=#.") } #[test] fn tokenize_space_then_tab() { let text = "a: 0 1 \t2 "; tokenize_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 9, line: 3, column: 0, width: None, kind: ErrorKind::InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected: " ", found: "\t"}, }); } #[test] fn tokenize_tabs_then_tab_space() { let text = "a: \t\t0 \t\t 1 \t 2 "; tokenize_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 12, line: 3, column: 0, width: None, kind: ErrorKind::InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected: "\t\t", found: "\t "}, }); } #[test] fn tokenize_outer_shebang() { let text = "#!/usr/bin/env bash"; tokenize_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 0, line: 0, column: 0, width: None, kind: ErrorKind::OuterShebang }); } #[test] fn tokenize_unknown() { let text = "~"; tokenize_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 0, line: 0, column: 0, width: None, kind: ErrorKind::UnknownStartOfToken }); } #[test] fn parse_empty() { parse_summary(" # hello ", ""); } #[test] fn parse_complex() { parse_summary(" x: y: z: foo = \"xx\" bar = foo goodbye = \"y\" hello a b c : x y z #hello #! blah #blarg {{ foo + bar}}abc{{ goodbye\t + \"x\" }}xyz 1 2 3 ", "bar = foo # \"xx\" foo = \"xx\" # \"xx\" goodbye = \"y\" # \"y\" hello a b c: x y z #! blah #blarg {{foo + bar # \"xxxx\"}}abc{{goodbye + \"x\" # \"yx\"}}xyz 1 2 3 x: y: z:"); } #[test] fn parse_assignments() { parse_summary( r#"a = "0" c = a + b + a + b b = "1" "#, r#"a = "0" # "0" b = "1" # "1" c = a + b + a + b # "0101""#); } #[test] fn missing_colon() { let text = "a b c\nd e f"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 5, line: 0, column: 5, width: Some(1), kind: ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken{expected: vec![Name, Colon], found: Eol}, }); } #[test] fn missing_eol() { let text = "a b c: z ="; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 9, line: 0, column: 9, width: Some(1), kind: ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken{expected: vec![Name, Eol, Eof], found: Equals}, }); } #[test] fn eof_test() { parse_summary("x:\ny:\nz:\na b c: x y z", "a b c: x y z\n\nx:\n\ny:\n\nz:"); } #[test] fn duplicate_argument() { let text = "a b b:"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 4, line: 0, column: 4, width: Some(1), kind: ErrorKind::DuplicateArgument{recipe: "a", argument: "b"} }); } #[test] fn argument_shadows_varible() { let text = "foo = \"h\"\na foo:"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 12, line: 1, column: 2, width: Some(3), kind: ErrorKind::ArgumentShadowsVariable{argument: "foo"} }); } #[test] fn dependency_with_arguments() { let text = "foo arg:\nb: foo"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 12, line: 1, column: 3, width: Some(3), kind: ErrorKind::DependencyHasArguments{recipe: "b", dependency: "foo"} }); } #[test] fn duplicate_dependency() { let text = "a b c: b c z z"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 13, line: 0, column: 13, width: Some(1), kind: ErrorKind::DuplicateDependency{recipe: "a", dependency: "z"} }); } #[test] fn duplicate_recipe() { let text = "a:\nb:\na:"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 6, line: 2, column: 0, width: Some(1), kind: ErrorKind::DuplicateRecipe{recipe: "a", first: 0} }); } #[test] fn circular_recipe_dependency() { let text = "a: b\nb: a"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 8, line: 1, column: 3, width: Some(1), kind: ErrorKind::CircularRecipeDependency{recipe: "b", circle: vec!["a", "b", "a"]} }); } #[test] fn circular_variable_dependency() { let text = "a = b\nb = a"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 0, line: 0, column: 0, width: Some(1), kind: ErrorKind::CircularVariableDependency{variable: "a", circle: vec!["a", "b", "a"]} }); } #[test] fn duplicate_variable() { let text = "a = \"0\"\na = \"0\""; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 8, line: 1, column: 0, width: Some(1), kind: ErrorKind::DuplicateVariable{variable: "a"} }); } #[test] fn unterminated_string() { let text = r#"a = ""#; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 3, line: 0, column: 3, width: None, kind: ErrorKind::UnterminatedString, }); } #[test] fn unterminated_string_with_escapes() { let text = r#"a = "\n\t\r\"\\"#; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 3, line: 0, column: 3, width: None, kind: ErrorKind::UnterminatedString, }); } #[test] fn string_quote_escape() { parse_summary( r#"a = "hello\"""#, r#"a = "hello\"" # "hello"""# ); } #[test] fn string_escapes() { parse_summary( r#"a = "\n\t\r\"\\""#, concat!(r#"a = "\n\t\r\"\\" "#, "# \"\n\t\r\"\\\"") ); } #[test] fn arguments() { parse_summary( "a b c: {{b}} {{c}}", "a b c: {{b # ? }} {{c # ? }}", ); } #[test] fn self_recipe_dependency() { let text = "a: a"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 3, line: 0, column: 3, width: Some(1), kind: ErrorKind::CircularRecipeDependency{recipe: "a", circle: vec!["a", "a"]} }); } #[test] fn self_variable_dependency() { let text = "a = a"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 0, line: 0, column: 0, width: Some(1), kind: ErrorKind::CircularVariableDependency{variable: "a", circle: vec!["a", "a"]} }); } #[test] fn unknown_dependency() { let text = "a: b"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 3, line: 0, column: 3, width: Some(1), kind: ErrorKind::UnknownDependency{recipe: "a", unknown: "b"} }); } #[test] fn mixed_leading_whitespace() { let text = "a:\n\t echo hello"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 3, line: 1, column: 0, width: None, kind: ErrorKind::MixedLeadingWhitespace{whitespace: "\t "} }); } #[test] fn write_or() { assert_eq!("1", super::Or(&[1 ]).to_string()); assert_eq!("1 or 2", super::Or(&[1,2 ]).to_string()); assert_eq!("1, 2, or 3", super::Or(&[1,2,3 ]).to_string()); assert_eq!("1, 2, 3, or 4", super::Or(&[1,2,3,4]).to_string()); } #[test] fn unknown_recipes() { match parse_success("a:\nb:\nc:").run(&["a", "x", "y", "z"]).unwrap_err() { super::RunError::UnknownRecipes{recipes} => assert_eq!(recipes, &["x", "y", "z"]), other @ _ => panic!("expected an unknown recipe error, but got: {}", other), } } #[test] fn extra_whitespace() { // we might want to make extra leading whitespace a line continuation in the future, // so make it a error for now let text = "a:\n blah\n blarg"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 10, line: 2, column: 1, width: Some(6), kind: ErrorKind::ExtraLeadingWhitespace }); // extra leading whitespace is okay in a shebang recipe parse_success("a:\n #!\n print(1)"); } #[test] fn bad_recipe_names() { // We are extra strict with names. Although the tokenizer // will tokenize anything that matches /[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/ // as a name, we throw an error if names do not match // / [a-z](-?[a-z])* /. This is to support future expansion // of justfile and command line syntax. fn bad_name(text: &str, name: &str, index: usize, line: usize, column: usize) { parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: index, line: line, column: column, width: Some(name.len()), kind: ErrorKind::BadName{name: name} }); } bad_name("-a", "-a", 0, 0, 0); bad_name("_a", "_a", 0, 0, 0); bad_name("a-", "a-", 0, 0, 0); bad_name("a_", "a_", 0, 0, 0); bad_name("a__a", "a__a", 0, 0, 0); bad_name("a--a", "a--a", 0, 0, 0); bad_name("a: a--", "a--", 3, 0, 3); bad_name("a: 9a", "9a", 3, 0, 3); bad_name("a: 9a", "9a", 3, 0, 3); bad_name("a:\nZ:", "Z", 3, 1, 0); } #[test] fn bad_interpolation_variable_name() { let text = "a:\n echo {{hello--hello}}"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 11, line: 1, column: 8, width: Some(12), kind: ErrorKind::BadName{name: "hello--hello"} }); } #[test] fn interpolation_outside_of_recipe() { let text = "{{"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 0, line: 0, column: 0, width: Some(2), kind: ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken{expected: vec![Name], found: InterpolationStart}, }); } #[test] fn unclosed_interpolation_delimiter() { let text = "a:\n echo {{ foo"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 15, line: 1, column: 12, width: Some(0), kind: ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken{expected: vec![Plus, Eol, InterpolationEnd], found: Dedent}, }); } #[test] fn unknown_expression_variable() { let text = "x = yy"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 4, line: 0, column: 4, width: Some(2), kind: ErrorKind::UnknownVariable{variable: "yy"}, }); } #[test] fn unknown_interpolation_variable() { let text = "x:\n {{ hello}}"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 9, line: 1, column: 6, width: Some(5), kind: ErrorKind::UnknownVariable{variable: "hello"}, }); } #[test] fn unknown_second_interpolation_variable() { let text = "wtf=\"x\"\nx:\n echo\n foo {{wtf}} {{ lol }}"; parse_error(text, Error { text: text, index: 33, line: 3, column: 16, width: Some(3), kind: ErrorKind::UnknownVariable{variable: "lol"}, }); } #[test] fn tokenize_order() { let text = r" b: a @mv a b a: @touch F @touch a d: c @rm c c: b @mv b c"; tokenize_success(text, "$N:N$>^_$$^_$^_$$^_$$^_<."); } #[test] fn run_shebang() { // this test exists to make sure that shebang recipes // run correctly. although this script is still // executed by sh its behavior depends on the value of a // variable and continuing even though a command fails, // whereas in plain recipes variables are not available // in subsequent lines and execution stops when a line // fails let text = " a: #!/usr/bin/env sh code=200 function x { return $code; } x x "; match parse_success(text).run(&["a"]).unwrap_err() { super::RunError::Code{recipe, code} => { assert_eq!(recipe, "a"); assert_eq!(code, 200); }, other => panic!("expected an code run error, but got: {}", other), } } #[test] fn code_error() { match parse_success("fail:\n @function x { return 100; }; x").run(&["fail"]).unwrap_err() { super::RunError::Code{recipe, code} => { assert_eq!(recipe, "fail"); assert_eq!(code, 100); }, other @ _ => panic!("expected a code run error, but got: {}", other), } } #[test] fn run_args() { let text = r#" a return code: @function x { {{return}} {{code + "0"}}; }; x"#; match parse_success(text).run(&["a", "return", "15"]).unwrap_err() { super::RunError::Code{recipe, code} => { assert_eq!(recipe, "a"); assert_eq!(code, 150); }, other => panic!("expected an code run error, but got: {}", other), } } #[test] fn missing_args() { match parse_success("a b c d:").run(&["a", "b", "c"]).unwrap_err() { super::RunError::ArgumentCountMismatch{recipe, found, expected} => { assert_eq!(recipe, "a"); assert_eq!(found, 2); assert_eq!(expected, 3); }, other => panic!("expected an code run error, but got: {}", other), } } #[test] fn missing_default() { match parse_success("a b c d:\n echo {{b}}{{c}}{{d}}").run(&["a"]).unwrap_err() { super::RunError::ArgumentCountMismatch{recipe, found, expected} => { assert_eq!(recipe, "a"); assert_eq!(found, 0); assert_eq!(expected, 3); }, other => panic!("expected an code run error, but got: {}", other), } }