use super::*; #[test] fn dotenv() { Test::new() .write(".env", "KEY=ROOT") .write("sub/.env", "KEY=SUB") .write("sub/justfile", "default:\n\techo KEY=${KEY:-unset}") .args(["sub/default"]) .stdout("KEY=unset\n") .stderr("echo KEY=${KEY:-unset}\n") .run(); } test! { name: set_false, justfile: r#" set dotenv-load := false foo: if [ -n "${DOTENV_KEY+1}" ]; then echo defined; else echo undefined; fi "#, stdout: "undefined\n", stderr: "if [ -n \"${DOTENV_KEY+1}\" ]; then echo defined; else echo undefined; fi\n", } test! { name: set_implicit, justfile: r#" set dotenv-load foo: echo $DOTENV_KEY "#, stdout: "dotenv-value\n", stderr: "echo $DOTENV_KEY\n", } test! { name: set_true, justfile: r#" set dotenv-load := true foo: echo $DOTENV_KEY "#, stdout: "dotenv-value\n", stderr: "echo $DOTENV_KEY\n", } #[test] fn no_warning() { Test::new() .justfile( " foo: echo ${DOTENV_KEY:-unset} ", ) .stdout("unset\n") .stderr("echo ${DOTENV_KEY:-unset}\n") .run(); } #[test] fn path_not_found() { Test::new() .justfile( " foo: echo $JUST_TEST_VARIABLE ", ) .args(["--dotenv-path", ""]) .stderr(if cfg!(windows) { "error: Failed to load environment file: The system cannot find the file specified. (os \ error 2)\n" } else { "error: Failed to load environment file: No such file or directory (os error 2)\n" }) .status(EXIT_FAILURE) .run(); } #[test] fn path_resolves() { Test::new() .justfile( " foo: @echo $JUST_TEST_VARIABLE ", ) .tree(tree! { subdir: { ".env": "JUST_TEST_VARIABLE=bar" } }) .args(["--dotenv-path", "subdir/.env"]) .stdout("bar\n") .status(EXIT_SUCCESS) .run(); } #[test] fn filename_resolves() { Test::new() .justfile( " foo: @echo $JUST_TEST_VARIABLE ", ) .tree(tree! { ".env.special": "JUST_TEST_VARIABLE=bar" }) .args(["--dotenv-filename", ".env.special"]) .stdout("bar\n") .status(EXIT_SUCCESS) .run(); } #[test] fn filename_flag_overwrites_no_load() { Test::new() .justfile( " set dotenv-load := false foo: @echo $JUST_TEST_VARIABLE ", ) .tree(tree! { ".env.special": "JUST_TEST_VARIABLE=bar" }) .args(["--dotenv-filename", ".env.special"]) .stdout("bar\n") .status(EXIT_SUCCESS) .run(); } #[test] fn path_flag_overwrites_no_load() { Test::new() .justfile( " set dotenv-load := false foo: @echo $JUST_TEST_VARIABLE ", ) .tree(tree! { subdir: { ".env": "JUST_TEST_VARIABLE=bar" } }) .args(["--dotenv-path", "subdir/.env"]) .stdout("bar\n") .status(EXIT_SUCCESS) .run(); } #[test] fn can_set_dotenv_filename_from_justfile() { Test::new() .justfile( r#" set dotenv-filename := ".env.special" foo: @echo $JUST_TEST_VARIABLE "#, ) .tree(tree! { ".env.special": "JUST_TEST_VARIABLE=bar" }) .stdout("bar\n") .status(EXIT_SUCCESS) .run(); } #[test] fn can_set_dotenv_path_from_justfile() { Test::new() .justfile( r#" set dotenv-path := "subdir/.env" foo: @echo $JUST_TEST_VARIABLE "#, ) .tree(tree! { subdir: { ".env": "JUST_TEST_VARIABLE=bar" } }) .stdout("bar\n") .status(EXIT_SUCCESS) .run(); } #[test] fn program_argument_has_priority_for_dotenv_filename() { Test::new() .justfile( r#" set dotenv-filename := ".env.special" foo: @echo $JUST_TEST_VARIABLE "#, ) .tree(tree! { ".env.special": "JUST_TEST_VARIABLE=bar", ".env.superspecial": "JUST_TEST_VARIABLE=baz" }) .args(["--dotenv-filename", ".env.superspecial"]) .stdout("baz\n") .status(EXIT_SUCCESS) .run(); } #[test] fn program_argument_has_priority_for_dotenv_path() { Test::new() .justfile( r#" set dotenv-path := "subdir/.env" foo: @echo $JUST_TEST_VARIABLE "#, ) .tree(tree! { subdir: { ".env": "JUST_TEST_VARIABLE=bar", ".env.special": "JUST_TEST_VARIABLE=baz" } }) .args(["--dotenv-path", "subdir/.env.special"]) .stdout("baz\n") .status(EXIT_SUCCESS) .run(); } #[test] fn dotenv_path_is_relative_to_working_directory() { Test::new() .justfile( " set dotenv-path := '.env' foo: @echo $DOTENV_KEY ", ) .tree(tree! { subdir: { } }) .current_dir("subdir") .stdout("dotenv-value\n") .run(); }