use crate::common::*; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq)] pub(crate) enum TokenKind { Asterisk, At, Backtick, BangEquals, BraceL, BraceR, BracketL, BracketR, Colon, ColonEquals, Comma, Comment, Dedent, Dollar, Eof, Eol, Equals, EqualsEquals, Identifier, Indent, InterpolationEnd, InterpolationStart, ParenL, ParenR, Plus, StringCooked, StringRaw, Text, Unspecified, Whitespace, } impl Display for TokenKind { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { use TokenKind::*; write!(f, "{}", match *self { Asterisk => "'*'", At => "'@'", Backtick => "backtick", BangEquals => "'!='", BraceL => "'{'", BraceR => "'}'", BracketL => "'['", BracketR => "']'", Colon => "':'", ColonEquals => "':='", Comma => "','", Comment => "comment", Dedent => "dedent", Dollar => "'$'", Eof => "end of file", Eol => "end of line", Equals => "'='", EqualsEquals => "'=='", Identifier => "identifier", Indent => "indent", InterpolationEnd => "'}}'", InterpolationStart => "'{{'", ParenL => "'('", ParenR => "')'", Plus => "'+'", StringCooked => "cooked string", StringRaw => "raw string", Text => "command text", Whitespace => "whitespace", Unspecified => "unspecified", }) } }