use super::*; test! { name: test_os_arch_functions_in_interpolation, justfile: r#" foo: echo {{arch()}} {{os()}} {{os_family()}} "#, stdout: format!("{} {} {}\n", target::arch(), target::os(), target::family()).as_str(), stderr: format!("echo {} {} {}\n", target::arch(), target::os(), target::family()).as_str(), } test! { name: test_os_arch_functions_in_expression, justfile: r#" a := arch() o := os() f := os_family() foo: echo {{a}} {{o}} {{f}} "#, stdout: format!("{} {} {}\n", target::arch(), target::os(), target::family()).as_str(), stderr: format!("echo {} {} {}\n", target::arch(), target::os(), target::family()).as_str(), } #[cfg(not(windows))] test! { name: env_var_functions, justfile: r#" p := env_var('USER') b := env_var_or_default('ZADDY', 'HTAP') x := env_var_or_default('XYZ', 'ABC') foo: /bin/echo '{{p}}' '{{b}}' '{{x}}' "#, stdout: format!("{} HTAP ABC\n", env::var("USER").unwrap()).as_str(), stderr: format!("/bin/echo '{}' 'HTAP' 'ABC'\n", env::var("USER").unwrap()).as_str(), } #[cfg(not(windows))] test! { name: path_functions, justfile: r#" we := without_extension('/foo/bar/baz.hello') fs := file_stem('/foo/bar/baz.hello') fn := file_name('/foo/bar/baz.hello') dir := parent_directory('/foo/bar/baz.hello') ext := extension('/foo/bar/baz.hello') jn := join('a', 'b') foo: /bin/echo '{{we}}' '{{fs}}' '{{fn}}' '{{dir}}' '{{ext}}' '{{jn}}' "#, stdout: "/foo/bar/baz baz baz.hello /foo/bar hello a/b\n", stderr: "/bin/echo '/foo/bar/baz' 'baz' 'baz.hello' '/foo/bar' 'hello' 'a/b'\n", } #[cfg(not(windows))] test! { name: path_functions2, justfile: r#" we := without_extension('/foo/bar/baz') fs := file_stem('/foo/bar/baz.hello.ciao') fn := file_name('/bar/baz.hello.ciao') dir := parent_directory('/foo/') ext := extension('/foo/bar/baz.hello.ciao') foo: /bin/echo '{{we}}' '{{fs}}' '{{fn}}' '{{dir}}' '{{ext}}' "#, stdout: "/foo/bar/baz baz.hello baz.hello.ciao / ciao\n", stderr: "/bin/echo '/foo/bar/baz' 'baz.hello' 'baz.hello.ciao' '/' 'ciao'\n", } #[cfg(not(windows))] test! { name: broken_without_extension_function, justfile: r#" we := without_extension('') foo: /bin/echo '{{we}}' "#, stdout: "", stderr: format!("{} {}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n", "error: Call to function `without_extension` failed:", "Could not extract parent from ``", " |", "1 | we := without_extension(\'\')", " | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^").as_str(), status: EXIT_FAILURE, } #[cfg(not(windows))] test! { name: broken_extension_function, justfile: r#" we := extension('') foo: /bin/echo '{{we}}' "#, stdout: "", stderr: format!("{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n", "error: Call to function `extension` failed: Could not extract extension from ``", " |", "1 | we := extension(\'\')", " | ^^^^^^^^^").as_str(), status: EXIT_FAILURE, } #[cfg(not(windows))] test! { name: broken_extension_function2, justfile: r#" we := extension('foo') foo: /bin/echo '{{we}}' "#, stdout: "", stderr: format!("{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n", "error: Call to function `extension` failed: Could not extract extension from `foo`", " |", "1 | we := extension(\'foo\')", " | ^^^^^^^^^").as_str(), status: EXIT_FAILURE, } #[cfg(not(windows))] test! { name: broken_file_stem_function, justfile: r#" we := file_stem('') foo: /bin/echo '{{we}}' "#, stdout: "", stderr: format!("{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n", "error: Call to function `file_stem` failed: Could not extract file stem from ``", " |", "1 | we := file_stem(\'\')", " | ^^^^^^^^^").as_str(), status: EXIT_FAILURE, } #[cfg(not(windows))] test! { name: broken_file_name_function, justfile: r#" we := file_name('') foo: /bin/echo '{{we}}' "#, stdout: "", stderr: format!("{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n", "error: Call to function `file_name` failed: Could not extract file name from ``", " |", "1 | we := file_name(\'\')", " | ^^^^^^^^^").as_str(), status: EXIT_FAILURE, } #[cfg(not(windows))] test! { name: broken_directory_function, justfile: r#" we := parent_directory('') foo: /bin/echo '{{we}}' "#, stdout: "", stderr: format!("{} {}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n", "error: Call to function `parent_directory` failed:", "Could not extract parent directory from ``", " |", "1 | we := parent_directory(\'\')", " | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^").as_str(), status: EXIT_FAILURE, } #[cfg(not(windows))] test! { name: broken_directory_function2, justfile: r#" we := parent_directory('/') foo: /bin/echo '{{we}}' "#, stdout: "", stderr: format!("{} {}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n", "error: Call to function `parent_directory` failed:", "Could not extract parent directory from `/`", " |", "1 | we := parent_directory(\'/\')", " | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^").as_str(), status: EXIT_FAILURE, } #[cfg(windows)] test! { name: env_var_functions, justfile: r#" p := env_var('USERNAME') b := env_var_or_default('ZADDY', 'HTAP') x := env_var_or_default('XYZ', 'ABC') foo: /bin/echo '{{p}}' '{{b}}' '{{x}}' "#, stdout: format!("{} HTAP ABC\n", env::var("USERNAME").unwrap()).as_str(), stderr: format!("/bin/echo '{}' 'HTAP' 'ABC'\n", env::var("USERNAME").unwrap()).as_str(), } test! { name: env_var_failure, justfile: "a:\n echo {{env_var('ZADDY')}}", args: ("a"), stdout: "", stderr: "error: Call to function `env_var` failed: environment variable `ZADDY` not present | 2 | echo {{env_var('ZADDY')}} | ^^^^^^^ ", status: EXIT_FAILURE, } test! { name: test_just_executable_function, justfile: " a: @printf 'Executable path is: %s\\n' '{{ just_executable() }}' ", args: ("a"), stdout: format!("Executable path is: {}\n", executable_path("just").to_str().unwrap()).as_str(), stderr: "", status: EXIT_SUCCESS, } test! { name: test_os_arch_functions_in_default, justfile: r#" foo a=arch() o=os() f=os_family(): echo {{a}} {{o}} {{f}} "#, stdout: format!("{} {} {}\n", target::arch(), target::os(), target::family()).as_str(), stderr: format!("echo {} {} {}\n", target::arch(), target::os(), target::family()).as_str(), } test! { name: clean, justfile: " foo: echo {{ clean('a/../b') }} ", stdout: "b\n", stderr: "echo b\n", } test! { name: uppercase, justfile: " foo: echo {{ uppercase('bar') }} ", stdout: "BAR\n", stderr: "echo BAR\n", } test! { name: lowercase, justfile: " foo: echo {{ lowercase('BAR') }} ", stdout: "bar\n", stderr: "echo bar\n", } test! { name: uppercamelcase, justfile: " foo: echo {{ uppercamelcase('foo bar') }} ", stdout: "FooBar\n", stderr: "echo FooBar\n", } test! { name: lowercamelcase, justfile: " foo: echo {{ lowercamelcase('foo bar') }} ", stdout: "fooBar\n", stderr: "echo fooBar\n", } test! { name: snakecase, justfile: " foo: echo {{ snakecase('foo bar') }} ", stdout: "foo_bar\n", stderr: "echo foo_bar\n", } test! { name: kebabcase, justfile: " foo: echo {{ kebabcase('foo bar') }} ", stdout: "foo-bar\n", stderr: "echo foo-bar\n", } test! { name: shoutysnakecase, justfile: " foo: echo {{ shoutysnakecase('foo bar') }} ", stdout: "FOO_BAR\n", stderr: "echo FOO_BAR\n", } test! { name: titlecase, justfile: " foo: echo {{ titlecase('foo bar') }} ", stdout: "Foo Bar\n", stderr: "echo Foo Bar\n", } test! { name: shoutykebabcase, justfile: " foo: echo {{ shoutykebabcase('foo bar') }} ", stdout: "FOO-BAR\n", stderr: "echo FOO-BAR\n", } test! { name: trim, justfile: " foo: echo {{ trim(' bar ') }} ", stdout: "bar\n", stderr: "echo bar\n", } test! { name: replace, justfile: " foo: echo {{ replace('barbarbar', 'bar', 'foo') }} ", stdout: "foofoofoo\n", stderr: "echo foofoofoo\n", } test! { name: capitalize, justfile: " foo: echo {{ capitalize('BAR') }} ", stdout: "Bar\n", stderr: "echo Bar\n", } fn assert_eval_eq(expression: &str, result: &str) { Test::new() .justfile(format!("x := {}", expression)) .args(&["--evaluate", "x"]) .stdout(result) .unindent_stdout(false) .run(); } #[test] fn trim_end_matches() { assert_eval_eq("trim_end_matches('foo', 'o')", "f"); assert_eval_eq("trim_end_matches('fabab', 'ab')", "f"); assert_eval_eq("trim_end_matches('fbaabab', 'ab')", "fba"); } #[test] fn trim_end_match() { assert_eval_eq("trim_end_match('foo', 'o')", "fo"); assert_eval_eq("trim_end_match('fabab', 'ab')", "fab"); } #[test] fn trim_start_matches() { assert_eval_eq("trim_start_matches('oof', 'o')", "f"); assert_eval_eq("trim_start_matches('ababf', 'ab')", "f"); assert_eval_eq("trim_start_matches('ababbaf', 'ab')", "baf"); } #[test] fn trim_start_match() { assert_eval_eq("trim_start_match('oof', 'o')", "of"); assert_eval_eq("trim_start_match('ababf', 'ab')", "abf"); } #[test] fn trim_start() { assert_eval_eq("trim_start(' f ')", "f "); } #[test] fn trim_end() { assert_eval_eq("trim_end(' f ')", " f"); } #[test] #[cfg(not(windows))] fn join() { assert_eval_eq("join('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')", "a/b/c/d"); assert_eval_eq("join('a', '/b', 'c', 'd')", "/b/c/d"); assert_eval_eq("join('a', '/b', '/c', 'd')", "/c/d"); assert_eval_eq("join('a', '/b', '/c', '/d')", "/d"); } #[test] #[cfg(windows)] fn join() { assert_eval_eq("join('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')", "a\\b\\c\\d"); assert_eval_eq("join('a', '\\b', 'c', 'd')", "\\b\\c\\d"); assert_eval_eq("join('a', '\\b', '\\c', 'd')", "\\c\\d"); assert_eval_eq("join('a', '\\b', '\\c', '\\d')", "\\d"); } #[test] fn join_argument_count_error() { Test::new() .justfile("x := join('a')") .args(&["--evaluate"]) .stderr( " error: Function `join` called with 1 argument but takes 2 or more | 1 | x := join(\'a\') | ^^^^ ", ) .status(EXIT_FAILURE) .run(); } #[test] fn test_path_exists_filepath_exist() { Test::new() .tree(tree! { testfile: "" }) .justfile("x := path_exists('testfile')") .args(&["--evaluate", "x"]) .stdout("true") .run(); } #[test] fn test_path_exists_filepath_doesnt_exist() { Test::new() .justfile("x := path_exists('testfile')") .args(&["--evaluate", "x"]) .stdout("false") .run(); } #[test] fn error_errors_with_message() { Test::new() .justfile("x := error ('Thing Not Supported')") .args(&["--evaluate"]) .status(1) .stderr("error: Call to function `error` failed: Thing Not Supported\n |\n1 | x := error ('Thing Not Supported')\n | ^^^^^\n") .run(); } #[test] fn test_absolute_path_resolves() { let test_object = Test::new() .justfile("path := absolute_path('./test_file')") .args(&["--evaluate", "path"]); let mut tempdir = test_object.tempdir.path().to_owned(); // Just retrieves the current directory via env::current_dir(), which // does the moral equivalent of canonicalize, which will remove symlinks. // So, we have to canonicalize here, so that we can match it. if cfg!(unix) { tempdir = tempdir.canonicalize().unwrap(); } test_object .stdout(tempdir.join("test_file").to_str().unwrap().to_owned()) .run(); } #[test] fn test_absolute_path_resolves_parent() { let test_object = Test::new() .justfile("path := absolute_path('../test_file')") .args(&["--evaluate", "path"]); let mut tempdir = test_object.tempdir.path().to_owned(); // Just retrieves the current directory via env::current_dir(), which // does the moral equivalent of canonicalize, which will remove symlinks. // So, we have to canonicalize here, so that we can match it. if cfg!(unix) { tempdir = tempdir.canonicalize().unwrap(); } test_object .stdout( tempdir .parent() .unwrap() .join("test_file") .to_str() .unwrap() .to_owned(), ) .run(); } #[test] fn path_exists_subdir() { Test::new() .tree(tree! { foo: "", bar: { } }) .justfile("x := path_exists('foo')") .current_dir("bar") .args(&["--evaluate", "x"]) .stdout("true") .run(); } #[test] fn uuid() { Test::new() .justfile("x := uuid()") .args(&["--evaluate", "x"]) .stdout_regex("........-....-....-....-............") .run(); } #[test] fn sha256() { Test::new() .justfile("x := sha256('5943ee37-0000-1000-8000-010203040506')") .args(&["--evaluate", "x"]) .stdout("2330d7f5eb94a820b54fed59a8eced236f80b633a504289c030b6a65aef58871") .run(); } #[test] fn sha256_file() { Test::new() .justfile("x := sha256_file('sub/shafile')") .tree(tree! { sub: { shafile: "just is great\n", } }) .current_dir("sub") .args(&["--evaluate", "x"]) .stdout("177b3d79aaafb53a7a4d7aaba99a82f27c73370e8cb0295571aade1e4fea1cd2") .run(); }