use super::*; test! { name: invalid_alias_attribute, justfile: "[private]\n[linux]\nalias t := test\n\ntest:\n", stderr: " error: Alias t has an invalid attribute `linux` --> justfile:3:7 | 3 | alias t := test | ^ ", status: EXIT_FAILURE, } test! { name: expected_keyword, justfile: "foo := if '' == '' { '' } arlo { '' }", stderr: " error: Expected keyword `else` but found identifier `arlo` --> justfile:1:27 | 1 | foo := if '' == '' { '' } arlo { '' } | ^^^^ ", status: EXIT_FAILURE, } test! { name: unexpected_character, justfile: "&~", stderr: " error: Expected character `&` --> justfile:1:2 | 1 | &~ | ^ ", status: EXIT_FAILURE, } #[test] fn argument_count_mismatch() { Test::new() .justfile("foo a b:") .args(["foo"]) .stderr( " error: Recipe `foo` got 0 arguments but takes 2 usage: just foo a b ", ) .status(EXIT_FAILURE) .run(); } #[test] fn file_path_is_indented_if_justfile_is_long() { Test::new() .justfile("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nfoo") .status(EXIT_FAILURE) .stderr( " error: Expected '*', ':', '$', identifier, or '+', but found end of file --> justfile:20:4 | 20 | foo | ^ ", ) .run(); } #[test] fn file_paths_are_relative() { Test::new() .justfile("import 'foo/bar.just'") .write("foo/bar.just", "baz") .status(EXIT_FAILURE) .stderr(format!( " error: Expected '*', ':', '$', identifier, or '+', but found end of file --> foo{}bar.just:1:4 | 1 | baz | ^ ", MAIN_SEPARATOR )) .run(); } #[test] fn file_paths_not_in_subdir_are_absolute() { Test::new() .write("foo/justfile", "import '../bar.just'") .write("bar.just", "baz") .no_justfile() .args(["--justfile", "foo/justfile"]) .status(EXIT_FAILURE) .stderr_regex(format!( " error: Expected '*', ':', '$', identifier, or '+', but found end of file --> {}.*{}bar.just:1:4 | 1 | baz | ^ ", MAIN_SEPARATOR, MAIN_SEPARATOR )) .run(); }