use crate::common::*; pub(crate) use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; macro_rules! test { ( name: $name:ident, justfile: $justfile:expr, $(args: ($($arg:tt)*),)? $(env: { $($env_key:literal : $env_value:literal,)* },)? $(stdin: $stdin:expr,)? $(stdout: $stdout:expr,)? $(stderr: $stderr:expr,)? $(status: $status:expr,)? $(shell: $shell:expr,)? ) => { #[test] fn $name() { #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut env = std::collections::BTreeMap::new(); $($(env.insert($env_key.to_string(), $env_value.to_string());)*)? crate::test::Test { justfile: $justfile, $(args: &[$($arg)*],)? $(stdin: $stdin,)? $(stdout: $stdout,)? $(stderr: $stderr,)? $(status: $status,)? $(shell: $shell,)? env, ..crate::test::Test::default() }.run(); } } } pub(crate) struct Test<'a> { pub(crate) justfile: &'a str, pub(crate) args: &'a [&'a str], pub(crate) env: BTreeMap, pub(crate) stdin: &'a str, pub(crate) stdout: &'a str, pub(crate) stderr: &'a str, pub(crate) status: i32, pub(crate) shell: bool, } impl<'a> Default for Test<'a> { fn default() -> Test<'a> { Test { justfile: "", args: &[], env: BTreeMap::new(), stdin: "", stdout: "", stderr: "", status: EXIT_SUCCESS, shell: true, } } } impl<'a> Test<'a> { pub(crate) fn run(self) { let tmp = tempdir(); let justfile = unindent(self.justfile); let stdout = unindent(self.stdout); let stderr = unindent(self.stderr); let mut justfile_path = tmp.path().to_path_buf(); justfile_path.push("justfile"); fs::write(&justfile_path, justfile).unwrap(); let mut dotenv_path = tmp.path().to_path_buf(); dotenv_path.push(".env"); fs::write(dotenv_path, "DOTENV_KEY=dotenv-value").unwrap(); let mut command = Command::new(&executable_path("just")); if { command.args(&["--shell", "bash"]); } let mut child = command .args(self.args) .envs(self.env) .current_dir(tmp.path()) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .expect("just invocation failed"); { let mut stdin_handle = child.stdin.take().expect("failed to unwrap stdin handle"); stdin_handle .write_all(self.stdin.as_bytes()) .expect("failed to write stdin to just process"); } let output = child .wait_with_output() .expect("failed to wait for just process"); let have = Output { status: output.status.code().unwrap(), stdout: str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap(), stderr: str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap(), }; let want = Output { status: self.status, stdout: &stdout, stderr: &stderr, }; assert_eq!(have, want, "bad output"); if self.status == EXIT_SUCCESS { test_round_trip(tmp.path()); } } } #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)] struct Output<'a> { stdout: &'a str, stderr: &'a str, status: i32, } fn test_round_trip(tmpdir: &Path) { println!("Reparsing..."); let output = Command::new(&executable_path("just")) .current_dir(tmpdir) .arg("--dump") .output() .expect("just invocation failed"); if !output.status.success() { panic!("dump failed: {}", output.status); } let dumped = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); let reparsed_path = tmpdir.join("reparsed.just"); fs::write(&reparsed_path, &dumped).unwrap(); let output = Command::new(&executable_path("just")) .current_dir(tmpdir) .arg("--justfile") .arg(&reparsed_path) .arg("--dump") .output() .expect("just invocation failed"); if !output.status.success() { panic!("reparse failed: {}", output.status); } let reparsed = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); assert_eq!(reparsed, dumped, "reparse mismatch"); }