use super::*; #[test] fn ignore_comments_in_recipe() { Test::new() .justfile( " set ignore-comments some_recipe: # A recipe-internal comment echo something-useful ", ) .stdout("something-useful\n") .stderr("echo something-useful\n") .run(); } #[test] fn dont_ignore_comments_in_recipe_by_default() { Test::new() .justfile( " some_recipe: # A recipe-internal comment echo something-useful ", ) .stdout("something-useful\n") .stderr("# A recipe-internal comment\necho something-useful\n") .run(); } #[test] fn ignore_recipe_comments_with_shell_setting() { Test::new() .justfile( " set shell := ['echo', '-n'] set ignore-comments some_recipe: # Alternate shells still ignore comments echo something-useful ", ) .stdout("something-useful\n") .stderr("echo something-useful\n") .run(); } #[test] fn continuations_with_echo_comments_false() { Test::new() .justfile( " set ignore-comments some_recipe: # Comment lines ignore line continuations \\ echo something-useful ", ) .stdout("something-useful\n") .stderr("echo something-useful\n") .run(); } #[test] fn continuations_with_echo_comments_true() { Test::new() .justfile( " set ignore-comments := false some_recipe: # comment lines can be continued \\ echo something-useful ", ) .stdout("") .stderr("# comment lines can be continued echo something-useful\n") .run(); } #[test] fn dont_evaluate_comments() { Test::new() .justfile( " set ignore-comments some_recipe: # {{ error('foo') }} ", ) .run(); } #[test] fn dont_analyze_comments() { Test::new() .justfile( " set ignore-comments some_recipe: # {{ bar }} ", ) .run(); } #[test] fn comments_still_must_be_parsable_when_ignored() { Test::new() .justfile( " set ignore-comments some_recipe: # {{ foo bar }} ", ) .stderr( " error: Expected '}}', '(', '+', or '/', but found identifier ——▶ justfile:4:12 │ 4 │ # {{ foo bar }} │ ^^^ ", ) .status(EXIT_FAILURE) .run(); }