Reached feature parity with new parser
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
extern crate clap;
use std::{io, fs, env, process};
use self::clap::{App, Arg};
use super::Slurp;
macro_rules! warn {
($($arg:tt)*) => {{
extern crate std;
use std::io::prelude::*;
let _ = writeln!(&mut std::io::stderr(), $($arg)*);
macro_rules! die {
($($arg:tt)*) => {{
extern crate std;
pub fn app() {
let matches = App::new("j")
.author("Casey R. <>")
.about("Just a command runner")
.help("Lists available recipes"))
.help("Show information about a recipe"))
.help("recipe(s) to run, defaults to the first recipe in the justfile"))
loop {
match fs::metadata("justfile") {
Ok(metadata) => if metadata.is_file() { break; },
Err(error) => {
if error.kind() != io::ErrorKind::NotFound {
die!("Error fetching justfile metadata: {}", error)
match env::current_dir() {
Ok(pathbuf) => if pathbuf.as_os_str() == "/" { die!("No justfile found."); },
Err(error) => die!("Error getting current dir: {}", error),
if let Err(error) = env::set_current_dir("..") {
die!("Error changing directory: {}", error);
let text = fs::File::open("justfile")
.unwrap_or_else(|error| die!("Error opening justfile: {}", error))
.unwrap_or_else(|error| die!("Error reading justfile: {}", error));
let justfile = super::parse(&text).unwrap_or_else(|error| die!("{}", error));
if matches.is_present("list") {
if justfile.count() == 0 {
warn!("Justfile contains no recipes");
} else {
warn!("{}"," "));
if let Some(name) = matches.value_of("show") {
match justfile.get(name) {
Some(recipe) => {
warn!("{}", recipe);
None => die!("justfile contains no recipe \"{}\"", name)
let names = if let Some(names) = matches.values_of("recipe") {
} else if let Some(name) = justfile.first() {
} else {
die!("Justfile contains no recipes");
if let Err(run_error) = {
warn!("{}", run_error);
//process::exit(if let super::RunError::Code{code, ..} = run_error { code } else { -1 });
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
mod tests;
mod tests;
mod app;
pub use app::app;
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate regex;
extern crate regex;
@ -30,7 +34,7 @@ macro_rules! die {
pub trait Slurp {
trait Slurp {
fn slurp(&mut self) -> Result<String, std::io::Error>;
fn slurp(&mut self) -> Result<String, std::io::Error>;
@ -46,16 +50,17 @@ fn re(pattern: &str) -> Regex {
pub struct Recipe<'a> {
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
struct Recipe<'a> {
line_number: usize,
line_number: usize,
label: &'a str,
name: &'a str,
name: &'a str,
// leading_whitespace: &'a str,
lines: Vec<&'a str>,
lines: Vec<&'a str>,
// fragments: Vec<Vec<Fragment<'a>>>,
// fragments: Vec<Vec<Fragment<'a>>>,
// variables: BTreeSet<&'a str>,
// variables: BTreeSet<&'a str>,
dependencies: Vec<&'a str>,
dependencies: Vec<&'a str>,
// arguments: Vec<&'a str>,
dependency_tokens: Vec<Token<'a>>,
arguments: Vec<&'a str>,
argument_tokens: Vec<Token<'a>>,
shebang: bool,
shebang: bool,
@ -66,20 +71,6 @@ enum Fragment<'a> {
impl<'a> Display for Recipe<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
try!(writeln!(f, "{}", self.label));
for (i, line) in self.lines.iter().enumerate() {
if i + 1 < self.lines.len() {
try!(writeln!(f, " {}", line));
} {
try!(write!(f, " {}", line));
fn error_from_signal<'a>(recipe: &'a str, exit_status: process::ExitStatus) -> RunError<'a> {
fn error_from_signal<'a>(recipe: &'a str, exit_status: process::ExitStatus) -> RunError<'a> {
use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt;
use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt;
@ -183,9 +174,30 @@ impl<'a> Recipe<'a> {
impl<'a> Display for Recipe<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
try!(write!(f, "{}",;
for argument in &self.arguments {
try!(write!(f, " {}", argument));
try!(write!(f, ":"));
for dependency in &self.dependencies {
try!(write!(f, " {}", dependency))
for (i, line) in self.lines.iter().enumerate() {
if i == 0 {
try!(writeln!(f, ""));
try!(write!(f, " {}", line));
if i + 1 < self.lines.len() {
try!(writeln!(f, ""));
fn resolve<'a>(
fn resolve<'a>(
text: &'a str,
recipes: &BTreeMap<&str, Recipe<'a>>,
recipes: &BTreeMap<&str, Recipe<'a>>,
resolved: &mut HashSet<&'a str>,
resolved: &mut HashSet<&'a str>,
seen: &mut HashSet<&'a str>,
seen: &mut HashSet<&'a str>,
@ -197,23 +209,24 @@ fn resolve<'a>(
for dependency_name in &recipe.dependencies {
for dependency_token in &recipe.dependency_tokens {
match recipes.get(dependency_name) {
match recipes.get(dependency_token.lexeme) {
Some(dependency) => if !resolved.contains( {
Some(dependency) => if !resolved.contains( {
if seen.contains( {
if seen.contains( {
let first = stack[0];
let first = stack[0];
return Err(error(text, recipe.line_number, ErrorKind::CircularDependency {
return Err(dependency_token.error(ErrorKind::CircularDependency {
circle: stack.iter()
circle: stack.iter()
.skip_while(|name| **name !=
.skip_while(|name| **name !=
return resolve(text, recipes, resolved, seen, stack, dependency);
return resolve(recipes, resolved, seen, stack, dependency);
None => return Err(error(text, recipe.line_number, ErrorKind::UnknownDependency {
None => return Err(dependency_token.error(ErrorKind::UnknownDependency {
unknown: dependency_name
unknown: dependency_token.lexeme
@ -221,108 +234,103 @@ fn resolve<'a>(
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Error<'a> {
struct Error<'a> {
text: &'a str,
text: &'a str,
index: usize,
index: usize,
line: usize,
line: usize,
column: usize,
column: usize,
width: Option<usize>,
kind: ErrorKind<'a>,
kind: ErrorKind<'a>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum ErrorKind<'a> {
enum ErrorKind<'a> {
// BadRecipeName{name: &'a str},
BadName{name: &'a str},
// CircularDependency{circle: Vec<&'a str>},
CircularDependency{recipe: &'a str, circle: Vec<&'a str>},
// DuplicateDependency{name: &'a str},
DuplicateDependency{recipe: &'a str, dependency: &'a str},
// DuplicateArgument{recipe: &'a str, argument: &'a str},
DuplicateArgument{recipe: &'a str, argument: &'a str},
// DuplicateRecipe{first: usize, name: &'a str},
DuplicateRecipe{recipe: &'a str, first: usize},
// TabAfterSpace{whitespace: &'a str},
MixedLeadingWhitespace{whitespace: &'a str},
// MixedLeadingWhitespace{whitespace: &'a str},
// ExtraLeadingWhitespace,
InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected: &'a str, found: &'a str},
InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected: &'a str, found: &'a str},
// NonLeadingShebang{recipe: &'a str},
// UnknownDependency{name: &'a str, unknown: &'a str},
UnknownDependency{recipe: &'a str, unknown: &'a str},
// Unparsable,
// UnparsableDependencies,
UnexpectedToken{expected: Vec<TokenClass>, found: TokenClass},
InternalError{message: String},
InternalError{message: String},
// fn error<'a>(text: &'a str, line: usize, kind: ErrorKind<'a>)
// -> Error<'a>
// {
// Error {
// text: text,
// line: line,
// kind: kind,
// }
// }
fn show_whitespace(text: &str) -> String {
fn show_whitespace(text: &str) -> String {
text.chars().map(|c| match c { '\t' => 't', ' ' => 's', _ => c }).collect()
text.chars().map(|c| match c { '\t' => 't', ' ' => 's', _ => c }).collect()
fn mixed_whitespace(text: &str) -> bool {
fn mixed(text: &str) -> bool {
!(text.chars().all(|c| c == ' ') || text.chars().all(|c| c == '\t'))
!(text.chars().all(|c| c == ' ') || text.chars().all(|c| c == '\t'))
struct Or<'a, T: 'a + Display>(&'a [T]);
fn tab_after_space(text: &str) -> bool {
let mut space = false;
impl<'a, T: Display> Display for Or<'a, T> {
for c in text.chars() {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
match c {
match self.0.len() {
' ' => space = true,
0 => {},
'\t' => if space {
1 => try!(write!(f, "{}", self.0[0])),
return true;
2 => try!(write!(f, "{} or {}", self.0[0], self.0[1])),
_ => for (i, item) in self.0.iter().enumerate() {
try!(write!(f, "{}", item));
if i == self.0.len() - 1 {
} else if i == self.0.len() - 2 {
try!(write!(f, ", or "));
} else {
try!(write!(f, ", "))
_ => {},
return false;
impl<'a> Display for Error<'a> {
impl<'a> Display for Error<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
try!(write!(f, "justfile:{}: ", self.line));
try!(write!(f, "justfile:{}: ", self.line));
match self.kind {
match self.kind {
// ErrorKind::BadRecipeName{name} => {
ErrorKind::BadName{name} => {
// try!(writeln!(f, "recipe name does not match /[a-z](-[a-z]|[a-z])*/: {}", name));
try!(writeln!(f, "name did not match /[a-z](-?[a-z0-9])*/: {}", name));
// }
// ErrorKind::CircularDependency{ref circle} => {
ErrorKind::CircularDependency{recipe, ref circle} => {
// try!(write!(f, "circular dependency: {}", circle.join(" -> ")));
try!(write!(f, "recipe {} has circular dependency: {}", recipe, circle.join(" -> ")));
// return Ok(());
return Ok(());
// }
// ErrorKind::DuplicateArgument{recipe, argument} => {
ErrorKind::DuplicateArgument{recipe, argument} => {
// try!(writeln!(f, "recipe {} has duplicate argument: {}", recipe, argument));
try!(writeln!(f, "recipe {} has duplicate argument: {}", recipe, argument));
// ErrorKind::DuplicateDependency{name} => {
ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken{ref expected, found} => {
// try!(writeln!(f, "duplicate dependency: {}", name));
try!(writeln!(f, "expected {} but found {}", Or(expected), found));
// }
// ErrorKind::DuplicateRecipe{first, name} => {
ErrorKind::DuplicateDependency{recipe, dependency} => {
// try!(write!(f, "duplicate recipe: {} appears on lines {} and {}",
try!(writeln!(f, "recipe {} has duplicate dependency: {}", recipe, dependency));
// name, first, self.line));
// return Ok(());
ErrorKind::DuplicateRecipe{recipe, first} => {
// }
try!(write!(f, "duplicate recipe: {} appears on lines {} and {}",
// ErrorKind::TabAfterSpace{whitespace} => {
recipe, first, self.line));
// try!(writeln!(f, "found tab after space: {}", show_whitespace(whitespace)));
return Ok(());
// }
// ErrorKind::MixedLeadingWhitespace{whitespace} => {
ErrorKind::MixedLeadingWhitespace{whitespace} => {
// try!(writeln!(f,
// "inconsistant leading whitespace: recipe started with {}:",
"found a mix of tabs and spaces in leading whitespace: {}\n leading whitespace may consist of tabs or spaces, but not both",
// show_whitespace(whitespace)
// ));
// }
// ErrorKind::ExtraLeadingWhitespace => {
ErrorKind::ExtraLeadingWhitespace => {
// try!(writeln!(f, "line has extra leading whitespace"));
try!(writeln!(f, "recipe line has extra leading whitespace"));
// }
ErrorKind::AssignmentUnimplemented => {
try!(writeln!(f, "variable assignment is not yet implemented"));
ErrorKind::InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected, found} => {
ErrorKind::InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected, found} => {
"inconsistant leading whitespace: recipe started with \"{}\" but found line with \"{}\":",
"inconsistant leading whitespace: recipe started with \"{}\" but found line with \"{}\":",
@ -332,18 +340,9 @@ impl<'a> Display for Error<'a> {
ErrorKind::OuterShebang => {
ErrorKind::OuterShebang => {
try!(writeln!(f, "a shebang \"#!\" is reserved syntax outside of recipes"))
try!(writeln!(f, "a shebang \"#!\" is reserved syntax outside of recipes"))
// ErrorKind::NonLeadingShebang{..} => {
ErrorKind::UnknownDependency{recipe, unknown} => {
// try!(writeln!(f, "a shebang \"#!\" may only appear on the first line of a recipe"))
try!(writeln!(f, "recipe {} has unknown dependency {}", recipe, unknown));
// ErrorKind::UnknownDependency{name, unknown} => {
// try!(writeln!(f, "recipe {} has unknown dependency {}", name, unknown));
// }
// ErrorKind::Unparsable => {
// try!(writeln!(f, "could not parse line:"));
// }
// ErrorKind::UnparsableDependencies => {
// try!(writeln!(f, "could not parse dependencies:"));
// }
ErrorKind::UnknownStartOfToken => {
ErrorKind::UnknownStartOfToken => {
try!(writeln!(f, "uknown start of token:"));
try!(writeln!(f, "uknown start of token:"));
@ -354,19 +353,21 @@ impl<'a> Display for Error<'a> {
match self.text.lines().nth(self.line) {
match self.text.lines().nth(self.line) {
Some(line) => try!(write!(f, "{}", line)),
Some(line) => try!(write!(f, "{}", line)),
None => try!(write!(f, "internal error: Error has invalid line number: {}", self.line)),
None => if self.index != self.text.len() {
try!(write!(f, "internal error: Error has invalid line number: {}", self.line))
pub struct Justfile<'a> {
struct Justfile<'a> {
recipes: BTreeMap<&'a str, Recipe<'a>>,
recipes: BTreeMap<&'a str, Recipe<'a>>,
impl<'a> Justfile<'a> {
impl<'a> Justfile<'a> {
pub fn first(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
fn first(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
let mut first: Option<&Recipe<'a>> = None;
let mut first: Option<&Recipe<'a>> = None;
for (_, recipe) in {
for (_, recipe) in {
if let Some(first_recipe) = first {
if let Some(first_recipe) = first {
@ -380,11 +381,11 @@ impl<'a> Justfile<'a> {
pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
fn count(&self) -> usize {
pub fn recipes(&self) -> Vec<&'a str> {
fn recipes(&self) -> Vec<&'a str> {
@ -399,7 +400,7 @@ impl<'a> Justfile<'a> {
pub fn run<'b>(&'a self, names: &[&'b str]) -> Result<(), RunError<'b>>
fn run<'b>(&'a self, names: &[&'b str]) -> Result<(), RunError<'b>>
where 'a: 'b
where 'a: 'b
let mut missing = vec![];
let mut missing = vec![];
@ -419,13 +420,13 @@ impl<'a> Justfile<'a> {
pub fn get(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&Recipe<'a>> {
fn get(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&Recipe<'a>> {
pub enum RunError<'a> {
enum RunError<'a> {
UnknownRecipes{recipes: Vec<&'a str>},
UnknownRecipes{recipes: Vec<&'a str>},
Signal{recipe: &'a str, signal: i32},
Signal{recipe: &'a str, signal: i32},
Code{recipe: &'a str, code: i32},
Code{recipe: &'a str, code: i32},
@ -467,22 +468,25 @@ impl<'a> Display for RunError<'a> {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Token<'a> {
struct Token<'a> {
index: usize,
index: usize,
line: usize,
line: usize,
column: usize,
column: usize,
text: &'a str,
prefix: &'a str,
prefix: &'a str,
lexeme: &'a str,
lexeme: &'a str,
class: TokenClass,
class: TokenClass,
impl<'a> Token<'a> {
impl<'a> Token<'a> {
fn error(&self, text: &'a str, kind: ErrorKind<'a>) -> Error<'a> {
fn error(&self, kind: ErrorKind<'a>) -> Error<'a> {
Error {
Error {
text: text,
text: self.text,
index: self.index,
index: self.index + self.prefix.len(),
line: self.line,
line: self.line,
column: self.column,
column: self.column + self.prefix.len(),
width: Some(self.lexeme.len()),
kind: kind,
kind: kind,
@ -501,6 +505,23 @@ enum TokenClass {
impl Display for TokenClass {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
try!(write!(f, "{}", match *self {
Name => "name",
Colon => "\":\"",
Equals => "\"=\"",
Comment => "comment",
Line => "command",
Indent => "indent",
Dedent => "dedent",
Eol => "end of line",
Eof => "end of file",
use TokenClass::*;
use TokenClass::*;
fn token(pattern: &str) -> Regex {
fn token(pattern: &str) -> Regex {
@ -513,14 +534,14 @@ fn token(pattern: &str) -> Regex {
fn tokenize(text: &str) -> Result<Vec<Token>, Error> {
fn tokenize(text: &str) -> Result<Vec<Token>, Error> {
lazy_static! {
lazy_static! {
static ref EOF: Regex = token(r"(?-m)$" );
static ref EOF: Regex = token(r"(?-m)$" );
static ref NAME: Regex = token(r"[a-z]((_|-)?[a-z0-9])*");
static ref NAME: Regex = token(r"([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)" );
static ref COLON: Regex = token(r":" );
static ref COLON: Regex = token(r":" );
static ref EQUALS: Regex = token(r"=" );
static ref EQUALS: Regex = token(r"=" );
static ref COMMENT: Regex = token(r"#([^!].*)?$" );
static ref COMMENT: Regex = token(r"#([^!].*)?$" );
static ref EOL: Regex = token(r"\n|\r\n" );
static ref EOL: Regex = token(r"\n|\r\n" );
static ref LINE: Regex = re(r"^(?m)[ \t]+[^ \t\n\r].*$");
static ref LINE: Regex = re(r"^(?m)[ \t]+[^ \t\n\r].*$");
static ref INDENT: Regex = re(r"^([ \t]*)[^ \t\n\r]" );
static ref INDENT: Regex = re(r"^([ \t]*)[^ \t\n\r]" );
fn indentation(text: &str) -> Option<&str> {
fn indentation(text: &str) -> Option<&str> {
@ -541,6 +562,7 @@ fn tokenize(text: &str) -> Result<Vec<Token>, Error> {
index: index,
index: index,
line: line,
line: line,
column: column,
column: column,
width: None,
kind: $kind,
kind: $kind,
@ -559,7 +581,9 @@ fn tokenize(text: &str) -> Result<Vec<Token>, Error> {
// indent: was no indentation, now there is
// indent: was no indentation, now there is
(None, Some(current @ _)) => {
(None, Some(current @ _)) => {
// check mixed leading whitespace
if mixed_whitespace(current) {
return error!(ErrorKind::MixedLeadingWhitespace{whitespace: current})
indent = Some(current);
indent = Some(current);
@ -577,13 +601,13 @@ fn tokenize(text: &str) -> Result<Vec<Token>, Error> {
// check tabs after spaces
} {
} {
tokens.push(Token {
tokens.push(Token {
index: index,
index: index,
line: line,
line: line,
column: column,
column: column,
text: text,
prefix: "",
prefix: "",
lexeme: "",
lexeme: "",
class: class,
class: class,
@ -591,6 +615,19 @@ fn tokenize(text: &str) -> Result<Vec<Token>, Error> {
// insert a dedent if we're indented and we hit the end of the file
if indent.is_some() && EOF.is_match(rest) {
tokens.push(Token {
index: index,
line: line,
column: column,
text: text,
prefix: "",
lexeme: "",
class: Dedent,
let (prefix, lexeme, class) =
let (prefix, lexeme, class) =
if let (0, Some(indent), Some(captures)) = (column, indent, LINE.captures(rest)) {
if let (0, Some(indent), Some(captures)) = (column, indent, LINE.captures(rest)) {
let line =;
let line =;
@ -626,6 +663,7 @@ fn tokenize(text: &str) -> Result<Vec<Token>, Error> {
line: line,
line: line,
column: column,
column: column,
prefix: prefix,
prefix: prefix,
text: text,
lexeme: lexeme,
lexeme: lexeme,
class: class,
class: class,
@ -650,9 +688,18 @@ fn tokenize(text: &str) -> Result<Vec<Token>, Error> {
pub fn parse<'a>(text: &'a str) -> Result<Justfile, Error> {
fn parse<'a>(text: &'a str) -> Result<Justfile, Error> {
let tokens = try!(tokenize(text));
let tokens = try!(tokenize(text));
let filtered: Vec<_> = tokens.into_iter().filter(|t| t.class != Comment).collect();
let filtered: Vec<_> = tokens.into_iter().filter(|token| token.class != Comment).collect();
if let Some(token) = filtered.iter().find(|token| {
lazy_static! {
static ref GOOD_NAME: Regex = re("^[a-z](-?[a-z0-9])*$");
token.class == Name && !GOOD_NAME.is_match(token.lexeme)
}) {
return Err(token.error(ErrorKind::BadName{name: token.lexeme}));
let parser = Parser{
let parser = Parser{
text: text,
text: text,
tokens: filtered.into_iter().peekable()
tokens: filtered.into_iter().peekable()
@ -667,7 +714,10 @@ struct Parser<'a> {
impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
fn peek(&mut self, class: TokenClass) -> bool {
self.tokens.peek().unwrap().class == class
fn accept(&mut self, class: TokenClass) -> Option<Token<'a>> {
fn accept(&mut self, class: TokenClass) -> Option<Token<'a>> {
if self.peek(class) {
if self.peek(class) {
@ -680,80 +730,134 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
fn peek(&mut self, class: TokenClass) -> bool {
fn expect(&mut self, class: TokenClass) -> Option<Token<'a>> {
self.tokens.peek().unwrap().class == class
if self.peek(class) {
} else {
fn expect(&mut self, class: TokenClass) {
if !self.accepted(class) {
panic!("we fucked");
fn expect_eol(&mut self) -> Option<Token<'a>> {
if self.peek(Eol) {
} else if self.peek(Eof) {
} else {
fn recipe(&mut self, name: &'a str, line_number: usize) -> Result<Recipe<'a>, Error<'a>> {
// fn accept(&mut self) -> Result<Token<'t>, Error<'t>> {
// match self.peek(
// }
fn recipe(&mut self, name: &'a str) -> Result<Recipe<'a>, Error<'a>> {
let mut arguments = vec![];
let mut arguments = vec![];
loop {
let mut argument_tokens = vec![];
if let Some(name_token) = self.accept(Name) {
while let Some(argument) = self.accept(Name) {
if arguments.contains(&name_token.lexeme) {
if arguments.contains(&argument.lexeme) {
return Err(error(self.text, name_token.line, ErrorKind::DuplicateArgument{
return Err(argument.error(ErrorKind::DuplicateArgument{
recipe: name, argument: name_token.lexeme}));
recipe: name, argument: argument.lexeme
} else {
if let Some(token) = self.expect(Colon) {
return Err(self.unexpected_token(&token, &[Name, Colon]));
let mut dependencies = vec![];
let mut dependencies = vec![];
loop {
let mut dependency_tokens = vec![];
if let Some(name_token) = self.accept(Name) {
while let Some(dependency) = self.accept(Name) {
if dependencies.contains(&name_token.lexeme) {
if dependencies.contains(&dependency.lexeme) {
panic!("duplicate dependency");
return Err(dependency.error(ErrorKind::DuplicateDependency {
// return Err(error(self.text, name_token.line, ErrorKind::DuplicateDependency{
recipe: name,
// name: name_token.lexeme}));
dependency: dependency.lexeme
if let Some(token) = self.expect_eol() {
return Err(self.unexpected_token(&token, &[Name, Eol, Eof]));
let mut lines = vec![];
let mut shebang = false;
if self.accepted(Indent) {
while !self.peek(Dedent) {
if let Some(line) = self.accept(Line) {
if lines.len() == 0 {
if line.lexeme.starts_with("#!") {
shebang = true;
} else if !shebang && (line.lexeme.starts_with(" ") || line.lexeme.starts_with("\t")) {
return Err(line.error(ErrorKind::ExtraLeadingWhitespace));
if !self.peek(Dedent) {
if let Some(token) = self.expect_eol() {
return Err(self.unexpected_token(&token, &[Eol]));
} else if let Some(_) = self.accept(Eol) {
} else {
let token =;
return Err(self.unexpected_token(&token, &[Line, Eol]));
} else {
if let Some(token) = self.expect(Dedent) {
return Err(self.unexpected_token(&token, &[Dedent]));
// if !self.accept_eol() {
Ok(Recipe {
// return Err(error(self.text, i, ErrorKind::UnparsableDependencies));
line_number: line_number,
// }
name: name,
dependencies: dependencies,
panic!("we fucked");
dependency_tokens: dependency_tokens,
// Ok(Recipe{
arguments: arguments,
// })
argument_tokens: argument_tokens,
lines: lines,
shebang: shebang,
fn error(self, token: &Token<'a>, kind: ErrorKind<'a>) -> Error<'a> {
fn unexpected_token(&self, found: &Token<'a>, expected: &[TokenClass]) -> Error<'a> {
token.error(self.text, kind)
found.error(ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken {
expected: expected.to_vec(),
found: found.class,
fn file(mut self) -> Result<Justfile<'a>, Error<'a>> {
fn file(mut self) -> Result<Justfile<'a>, Error<'a>> {
let recipes = BTreeMap::new();
let mut recipes = BTreeMap::<&str, Recipe>::new();
loop {
loop {
match {
match {
Some(token) => match token.class {
Some(token) => match token.class {
Eof => break,
Eof => break,
Eol => continue,
Eol => continue,
_ => return Err(self.error(&token, ErrorKind::InternalError {
Name => if let Some(equals) = self.accept(Equals) {
return Err(equals.error(ErrorKind::AssignmentUnimplemented));
} else {
if let Some(recipe) = recipes.remove(token.lexeme) {
return Err(token.error(ErrorKind::DuplicateRecipe {
first: recipe.line_number
recipes.insert(token.lexeme, try!(self.recipe(token.lexeme, token.line)));
Comment => return Err(token.error(ErrorKind::InternalError {
message: "found comment in token stream".to_string()
_ => return Err(token.error(ErrorKind::InternalError {
message: format!("unhandled token class: {:?}", token.class)
message: format!("unhandled token class: {:?}", token.class)
@ -762,6 +866,7 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
index: 0,
index: 0,
line: 0,
line: 0,
column: 0,
column: 0,
width: None,
kind: ErrorKind::InternalError {
kind: ErrorKind::InternalError {
message: "unexpected end of token stream".to_string()
message: "unexpected end of token stream".to_string()
@ -769,37 +874,20 @@ impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
if let Some(token) = {
loop {
return Err(token.error(ErrorKind::InternalError{
if self.accepted(Eof) { break; }
if self.accept_eol() { continue; }
match {
Some(Token{class: Name, lexeme: name, ..}) => {
if self.accepted(Equals) {
panic!("Variable assignment not yet implemented");
} else {
if recipes.contains_key(name) {
// return Err(error(self.text, line, ErrorKind::DuplicateDependency{
// name: name,
// }));
panic!("duplicate dep");
let recipe = try!(self.recipe(name));
recipes.insert(name, recipe);
_ => panic!("got something else")
if let Some(ref token) = {
return Err(self.error(token, ErrorKind::InternalError{
message: format!("unexpected token remaining after parsing completed: {:?}", token.class)
message: format!("unexpected token remaining after parsing completed: {:?}", token.class)
let mut resolved = HashSet::new();
let mut seen = HashSet::new();
let mut stack = vec![];
for recipe in recipes.values() {
try!(resolve(&recipes, &mut resolved, &mut seen, &mut stack, &recipe));
Ok(Justfile{recipes: recipes})
Ok(Justfile{recipes: recipes})
@ -1,100 +1,5 @@
extern crate j;
extern crate j;
extern crate clap;
use std::{io, fs, env};
use clap::{App, Arg};
use j::Slurp;
macro_rules! warn {
($($arg:tt)*) => {{
extern crate std;
use std::io::prelude::*;
let _ = writeln!(&mut std::io::stderr(), $($arg)*);
macro_rules! die {
($($arg:tt)*) => {{
extern crate std;
fn main() {
fn main() {
let matches = App::new("j")
.author("Casey R. <>")
.about("Just a command runner")
.help("Lists available recipes"))
.help("Show information about a recipe"))
.help("recipe(s) to run, defaults to the first recipe in the justfile"))
loop {
match fs::metadata("justfile") {
Ok(metadata) => if metadata.is_file() { break; },
Err(error) => {
if error.kind() != io::ErrorKind::NotFound {
die!("Error fetching justfile metadata: {}", error)
match env::current_dir() {
Ok(pathbuf) => if pathbuf.as_os_str() == "/" { die!("No justfile found."); },
Err(error) => die!("Error getting current dir: {}", error),
if let Err(error) = env::set_current_dir("..") {
die!("Error changing directory: {}", error);
let text = fs::File::open("justfile")
.unwrap_or_else(|error| die!("Error opening justfile: {}", error))
.unwrap_or_else(|error| die!("Error reading justfile: {}", error));
let justfile = j::parse(&text).unwrap_or_else(|error| die!("{}", error));
if matches.is_present("list") {
if justfile.count() == 0 {
warn!("Justfile contains no recipes");
} else {
warn!("{}"," "));
if let Some(name) = matches.value_of("show") {
match justfile.get(name) {
Some(recipe) => {
warn!("{}", recipe);
None => die!("justfile contains no recipe \"{}\"", name)
let names = if let Some(names) = matches.values_of("recipe") {
} else if let Some(name) = justfile.first() {
} else {
die!("Justfile contains no recipes");
if let Err(run_error) = {
warn!("{}", run_error);
std::process::exit(if let j::RunError::Code{code, ..} = run_error { code } else { -1 });
@ -1,213 +1,9 @@
extern crate tempdir;
extern crate tempdir;
use super::{ErrorKind, Justfile};
fn expect_error(text: &str, line: usize, expected_error_kind: ErrorKind) {
match super::parse(text) {
Ok(_) => panic!("Expected {:?} but parse succeeded", expected_error_kind),
Err(error) => {
if error.line != line {
panic!("Expected {:?} error on line {} but error was on line {}",
expected_error_kind, line, error.line);
if error.kind != expected_error_kind {
panic!("Expected {:?} error but got {:?}", expected_error_kind, error.kind);
fn check_recipe(
justfile: &Justfile,
name: &str,
line: usize,
leading_whitespace: &str,
lines: &[&str],
dependencies: &[&str]
) {
let recipe = match {
Some(recipe) => recipe,
None => panic!("Justfile had no recipe \"{}\"", name),
assert_eq!(, name);
assert_eq!(recipe.line_number, line);
assert_eq!(recipe.leading_whitespace, leading_whitespace);
assert_eq!(recipe.lines, lines);
assert_eq!(recipe.dependencies.iter().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), dependencies);
fn circular_dependency() {
expect_error("a: b\nb: a", 1, ErrorKind::CircularDependency{circle: vec!["a", "b", "a"]});
fn duplicate_dependency() {
expect_error("a: b b", 0, ErrorKind::DuplicateDependency{name: "b"});
fn duplicate_recipe() {
1, ErrorKind::DuplicateRecipe{first: 0, name: "a"}
fn tab_after_spaces() {
"a:\n \tspaces",
1, ErrorKind::TabAfterSpace{whitespace: " \t"}
fn mixed_leading_whitespace() {
"a:\n\t spaces",
1, ErrorKind::MixedLeadingWhitespace{whitespace: "\t "}
fn inconsistent_leading_whitespace() {
"a:\n\t\ttabs\n\t\ttabs\n spaces",
3, ErrorKind::InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected: "\t\t", found: " "}
fn shebang_errors() {
expect_error("#!/bin/sh", 0, ErrorKind::OuterShebang);
expect_error("a:\n echo hello\n #!/bin/sh", 2, ErrorKind::NonLeadingShebang{recipe:"a"});
fn unknown_dependency() {
expect_error("a: b", 0, ErrorKind::UnknownDependency{name: "a", unknown: "b"});
fn extra_whitespace() {
expect_error("a:\n blah\n blarg", 2, ErrorKind::ExtraLeadingWhitespace);
expect_success("a:\n #!\n print(1)");
fn unparsable() {
expect_error("hello", 0, ErrorKind::Unparsable);
can we bring this error back?
fn unparsable_dependencies() {
expect_error("a: -f", 0, ErrorKind::UnparsableDependencies);
we should be able to emit these errors
fn bad_recipe_names() {
fn expect_bad_name(text: &str, name: &str) {
expect_error(text, 0, ErrorKind::UnknownStartOfToken{name: name});
expect_bad_name("Z:", "Z");
expect_bad_name("a-:", "a-");
expect_bad_name("-a:", "-a");
expect_bad_name("a--a:", "a--a");
expect_bad_name("@:", "@");
fn parse() {
let justfile = expect_success("a: b c\nb: c\n echo hello\n\nc:\n\techo goodbye\n#\n#hello");
assert!(<Vec<_>>() == vec!["a", "b", "c"]);
check_recipe(&justfile, "a", 0, "", &[ ], &["b", "c"]);
check_recipe(&justfile, "b", 1, " ", &["echo hello" ], &["c" ]);
check_recipe(&justfile, "c", 4, "\t", &["echo goodbye"], &[ ]);
fn first() {
let justfile = expect_success("#hello\n#goodbye\na:\nb:\nc:\n");
assert!(justfile.first().unwrap() == "a");
fn unknown_recipes() {
match expect_success("a:\nb:\nc:").run(&["a", "x", "y", "z"]).unwrap_err() {
super::RunError::UnknownRecipes{recipes} => assert_eq!(recipes, &["x", "y", "z"]),
other @ _ => panic!("expected an unknown recipe error, but got: {}", other),
fn code_error() {
match expect_success("fail:\n @function x { return 100; }; x").run(&["fail"]).unwrap_err() {
super::RunError::Code{recipe, code} => {
assert_eq!(recipe, "fail");
assert_eq!(code, 100);
other @ _ => panic!("expected a code run error, but got: {}", other),
fn run_order() {
let tmp = tempdir::TempDir::new("run_order").unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("tmpdir: failed to create temporary directory: {}", err));
let path = tmp.path().to_str().unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("tmpdir: path was not valid UTF-8")).to_owned();
let text = r"
@touch a
b: a
@mv a b
c: b
@mv b c
d: c
@rm c
super::std::env::set_current_dir(path).expect("failed to set current directory");
expect_success(text).run(&["a", "d"]).unwrap();
fn shebang() {
// this test exists to make sure that shebang recipes
// run correctly. although this script is still
// executed by sh its behavior depends on the value of a
// variable and continuing even though a command fails
let text = "
#!/usr/bin/env sh
function x { return $code; }
match expect_success(text).run(&["a"]).unwrap_err() {
super::RunError::Code{recipe, code} => {
assert_eq!(recipe, "a");
assert_eq!(code, 200);
other @ _ => panic!("expected an code run error, but got: {}", other),
use super::{Token, Error, ErrorKind, Justfile};
use super::{Token, Error, ErrorKind, Justfile};
use super::TokenClass::*;
fn tokenize_success(text: &str, expected_summary: &str) {
fn tokenize_success(text: &str, expected_summary: &str) {
let tokens = super::tokenize(text).unwrap();
let tokens = super::tokenize(text).unwrap();
let roundtrip = tokens.iter().map(|t| {
let roundtrip = tokens.iter().map(|t| {
@ -252,7 +48,30 @@ fn token_summary(tokens: &[Token]) -> String {
fn parse_success(text: &str) -> Justfile {
fn parse_success(text: &str) -> Justfile {
match super::parse(text) {
match super::parse(text) {
Ok(justfile) => justfile,
Ok(justfile) => justfile,
Err(error) => panic!("Expected successful parse but got error {}", error),
Err(error) => panic!("Expected successful parse but got error:\n{}", error),
fn parse_summary(input: &str, output: &str) {
let justfile = parse_success(input);
let mut s = String::new();
for recipe in {
s += &format!("{}\n", recipe.1);
assert_eq!(s, output);
fn parse_error(text: &str, expected: Error) {
if let Err(error) = super::parse(text) {
assert_eq!(error.text, expected.text);
assert_eq!(error.index, expected.index);
assert_eq!(error.line, expected.line);
assert_eq!(error.column, expected.column);
assert_eq!(error.kind, expected.kind);
assert_eq!(error.width, expected.width);
assert_eq!(error, expected);
} else {
panic!("Expected {:?} but parse succeeded", expected.kind);
@ -277,7 +96,7 @@ bob:
tokenize_success(text, "$N:$>*$*$$*$$*$$<N:$>*$.");
tokenize_success(text, "$N:$>*$*$$*$$*$$<N:$>*$<.");
tokenize_success("a:=#", "N:=#.")
tokenize_success("a:=#", "N:=#.")
@ -294,6 +113,7 @@ fn inconsistent_leading_whitespace() {
index: 9,
index: 9,
line: 3,
line: 3,
column: 0,
column: 0,
width: None,
kind: ErrorKind::InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected: " ", found: "\t"},
kind: ErrorKind::InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected: " ", found: "\t"},
@ -307,6 +127,7 @@ fn inconsistent_leading_whitespace() {
index: 12,
index: 12,
line: 3,
line: 3,
column: 0,
column: 0,
width: None,
kind: ErrorKind::InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected: "\t\t", found: "\t "},
kind: ErrorKind::InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected: "\t\t", found: "\t "},
@ -319,6 +140,7 @@ fn outer_shebang() {
index: 0,
index: 0,
line: 0,
line: 0,
column: 0,
column: 0,
width: None,
kind: ErrorKind::OuterShebang
kind: ErrorKind::OuterShebang
@ -331,16 +153,284 @@ fn unknown_start_of_token() {
index: 0,
index: 0,
line: 0,
line: 0,
column: 0,
column: 0,
width: None,
kind: ErrorKind::UnknownStartOfToken
kind: ErrorKind::UnknownStartOfToken
fn parse() {
fn parse() {
# hello
# hello
", "");
hello a b c : x y z #hello
#! blah
", "hello a b c: x y z
#! blah
fn assignment_unimplemented() {
let text = "a = z";
parse_error(text, Error {
text: text,
index: 2,
line: 0,
column: 2,
width: Some(1),
kind: ErrorKind::AssignmentUnimplemented
fn missing_colon() {
let text = "a b c\nd e f";
parse_error(text, Error {
text: text,
index: 5,
line: 0,
column: 5,
width: Some(1),
kind: ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken{expected: vec![Name, Colon], found: Eol},
fn missing_eol() {
let text = "a b c: z =";
parse_error(text, Error {
text: text,
index: 9,
line: 0,
column: 9,
width: Some(1),
kind: ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken{expected: vec![Name, Eol, Eof], found: Equals},
fn eof_test() {
parse_summary("x:\ny:\nz:\na b c: x y z", "a b c: x y z\nx:\ny:\nz:\n");
fn duplicate_argument() {
let text = "a b b:";
parse_error(text, Error {
text: text,
index: 4,
line: 0,
column: 4,
width: Some(1),
kind: ErrorKind::DuplicateArgument{recipe: "a", argument: "b"}
fn duplicate_dependency() {
let text = "a b c: b c z z";
parse_error(text, Error {
text: text,
index: 13,
line: 0,
column: 13,
width: Some(1),
kind: ErrorKind::DuplicateDependency{recipe: "a", dependency: "z"}
fn duplicate_recipe() {
let text = "a:\nb:\na:";
parse_error(text, Error {
text: text,
index: 6,
line: 2,
column: 0,
width: Some(1),
kind: ErrorKind::DuplicateRecipe{recipe: "a", first: 0}
fn circular_dependency() {
let text = "a: b\nb: a";
parse_error(text, Error {
text: text,
index: 8,
line: 1,
column: 3,
width: Some(1),
kind: ErrorKind::CircularDependency{recipe: "b", circle: vec!["a", "b", "a"]}
fn unknown_dependency() {
let text = "a: b";
parse_error(text, Error {
text: text,
index: 3,
line: 0,
column: 3,
width: Some(1),
kind: ErrorKind::UnknownDependency{recipe: "a", unknown: "b"}
fn mixed_leading_whitespace() {
let text = "a:\n\t echo hello";
parse_error(text, Error {
text: text,
index: 3,
line: 1,
column: 0,
width: None,
kind: ErrorKind::MixedLeadingWhitespace{whitespace: "\t "}
fn write_or() {
assert_eq!("1", super::Or(&[1 ]).to_string());
assert_eq!("1 or 2", super::Or(&[1,2 ]).to_string());
assert_eq!("1, 2, or 3", super::Or(&[1,2,3 ]).to_string());
assert_eq!("1, 2, 3, or 4", super::Or(&[1,2,3,4]).to_string());
fn run_shebang() {
// this test exists to make sure that shebang recipes
// run correctly. although this script is still
// executed by sh its behavior depends on the value of a
// variable and continuing even though a command fails,
// whereas in plain recipes variables are not available
// in subsequent lines and execution stops when a line
// fails
let text = "
#!/usr/bin/env sh
function x { return $code; }
match parse_success(text).run(&["a"]).unwrap_err() {
super::RunError::Code{recipe, code} => {
assert_eq!(recipe, "a");
assert_eq!(code, 200);
other @ _ => panic!("expected an code run error, but got: {}", other),
fn run_order() {
let tmp = tempdir::TempDir::new("run_order").unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("tmpdir: failed to create temporary directory: {}", err));
let path = tmp.path().to_str().unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("tmpdir: path was not valid UTF-8")).to_owned();
let text = r"
@touch a
b: a
@mv a b
c: b
@mv b c
d: c
@rm c
super::std::env::set_current_dir(path).expect("failed to set current directory");
parse_success(text).run(&["a", "d"]).unwrap();
fn unknown_recipes() {
match parse_success("a:\nb:\nc:").run(&["a", "x", "y", "z"]).unwrap_err() {
super::RunError::UnknownRecipes{recipes} => assert_eq!(recipes, &["x", "y", "z"]),
other @ _ => panic!("expected an unknown recipe error, but got: {}", other),
fn code_error() {
match parse_success("fail:\n @function x { return 100; }; x").run(&["fail"]).unwrap_err() {
super::RunError::Code{recipe, code} => {
assert_eq!(recipe, "fail");
assert_eq!(code, 100);
other @ _ => panic!("expected a code run error, but got: {}", other),
fn extra_whitespace() {
// we might want to make extra leading whitespace a line continuation in the future,
// so make it a error for now
let text = "a:\n blah\n blarg";
parse_error(text, Error {
text: text,
index: 10,
line: 2,
column: 1,
width: Some(6),
kind: ErrorKind::ExtraLeadingWhitespace
// extra leading whitespace is okay in a shebang recipe
parse_success("a:\n #!\n print(1)");
fn bad_recipe_names() {
// We are extra strict with names. Although the tokenizer
// will tokenize anything that matches /[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/
// as a name, we throw an error if names do not match
// /[a-z](-?[a-z])*/. This is to support future expansion
// of justfile and command line syntax.
fn bad_name(text: &str, name: &str, index: usize, line: usize, column: usize) {
parse_error(text, Error {
text: text,
index: index,
line: line,
column: column,
width: Some(name.len()),
kind: ErrorKind::BadName{name: name}
bad_name("-a", "-a", 0, 0, 0);
bad_name("_a", "_a", 0, 0, 0);
bad_name("a-", "a-", 0, 0, 0);
bad_name("a_", "a_", 0, 0, 0);
bad_name("a__a", "a__a", 0, 0, 0);
bad_name("a--a", "a--a", 0, 0, 0);
bad_name("a: a--", "a--", 3, 0, 3);
bad_name("a: 9a", "9a", 3, 0, 3);
bad_name("a: 9a", "9a", 3, 0, 3);
bad_name("a:\nZ:", "Z", 3, 1, 0);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user