2015-09-13 18:14:39 -07:00

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<title>Greg Shuflin Developer Portfolio</title>
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<h1>Greg Shuflin</h1>
<p>Contact me: <code>greg [dot] shuflin [at] gmail [dot] com</code>
<h2>Developer Portfolio</h2>
<p>These are a few side projects I've worked on
that I think are particularly interesting.
You can see the source code for these and other projects I'm working
on <a href="https://github.com/neunenak">on my Github profile</a>.
<div id='jsGames'>
<h3>Browser games</h3>
<p> All of these games are open-source collabrations with
<a href='https://github.com/AlexNisnevich'>Alex Nisnevich</a> and several
other occasional contributors.
<li><a href="http://alex.nisnevich.com/untrusted/">Untrusted</a>
<a href="https://github.com/AlexNisnevich/untrusted" class='codeLink'>(code)</a>
- a roguelike game written entirely in
Javascript. Every level is unbeatable until the player edits the
source code of the level to make it winnable.
Me and <a href='https://github.com/AlexNisnevich'>Alex Nisnevich</a>
are the two primary developers.
An early version of the game won first place in
the Spring 2013 Berkeley CSUA hackathon.
<a href="https://github.com/neunenak/assholetransitbureaucrat2015">
Asshole Transit Bureaucrat 2015
- entry for the Ludum Dare 33 72-hour game jam (theme "you are the monster"),
where the player takes on the role of a corrupt public transit bureaucrat
who is paid-off by an evil ride-sharing corporation, and tasked with
making the public bus system worse. Written in
<a href='http://elm-lang.org/'>Elm</a>, a Haskell-like pure functional
language that compiles to Javascript/HTML.
<a href='http://alexnisnevich.github.io/kalevala/'>Kalevala</a>
<a href='https://github.com/AlexNisnevich/kalevala' class='codeLink'>
- a two-player tile-placing game inspired by the board game
Völuspá by Scott Caputo. The frontend is written in Elm, the backend
is a <a href='https://github.com/neunenak/voluspa-server' class='codeLink'>fairly-simple Haskell server.</a>
<div id=lowLevel>
<h3>Low-level programming</h3>
<div id='rustAndHaskel'>
<h3>Rust and Haskell projects</h3>
<li> <b>Doomsday Algorithm</b> <a href='https://github.com/neunenak/Doomsday' class='codeLink'>(code)</a> a simple Haskell command-line application that computes the day of the week a given date in the Gregorian calendar falls on
<li> <b>Null-only scripting language</b>
<a href='https://github.com/neunenak/null-only-lang' class='codeLink'>(code)</a>
- an interpretor for a simple scripting language, where the gimmick
is that all value errors return null. This is mostly an excuse
to write something sizeable in Rust.
<div id=graphics>
<h3>Computer graphics</h3>
<li> <a href="https://github.com/neunenak/Raytracer">C++ Raytracer</a> <a href='https://github.com/neunenak/Raytracer' class='codeLink'>(code)</a>
written for CS184 at UC Berkeley, Intro to Computer Graphics. This was a partner project with <a href="https://github.com/miedwards">Mark Edwards</a>. I'm
working on a <a href='https://github.com/neunenak/rust-raytracer' class='codeLink'>Rust port</a> of this project.
<div id='randomThings'>
<h3>Other projects</h3>
<li> <b>Ocarina of Time App</b> <a href="https://github.com/neunenak/Ocarina" class="codeLink">(code)</a> - an ocarina Android app that you play by pressing five buttons, just like in the eponymous classic N64 title. Not guaranteed to open the Door of Time.
<li> <a href="http://neunenak.github.com/html5go/go.html">HTML 5 Go</a> <a href='https://github.com/neunenak/html5go' class='codeLink'>(code)</a>
an implementation of the board game Go (碁) in pure HTML5. It uses the canvas to draw the gameboard, with the game logic written in Javascript (work in progress - the game is playable but some more advanced features are not yet implemented)
<li> <a href="http://blazing-night-9415.herokuapp.com/dictionary">Arbitrary-language Django Dictionary</a> <a href='https://github.com/neunenak/ConlangDictionary' class='codeLink'>(code)</a>
a web interface for a dictionary in an arbitrary language, written
using the Django Python web framework and currently hosted on Heroku.