# Configuration generated 2018/11/21 by dmrconfig, version 0.9.193
Radio: Baofeng RD-5R
Last Programmed Date: 2018-05-12 23:16

# Table of digital channels.
# 1) Channel number: 1-1024
# 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space
# 3) Receive frequency in MHz
# 4) Transmit frequency or +/- offset in MHz
# 5) Transmit power: High, Low
# 6) Scan list: - or index in Scanlist table
# 7) Transmit timeout timer in seconds: 0, 15, 30, 45... 555
# 8) Receive only: -, +
# 9) Admit criteria: -, Free, Color
# 10) Color code: 0, 1, 2, 3... 15
# 11) Time slot: 1 or 2
# 12) Receive group list: - or index in Grouplist table
# 13) Contact for transmit: - or index in Contacts table
Digital Name             Receive   Transmit Power Scan TOT RO Admit  Color Slot RxGL TxContact
    1   aWorldwide       440.5625  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    1    1    # Worldwide
    2   aLocal_2         440.5625  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     2    2    2    # Local 2
    3   aLocal_9         440.5625  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     2    3    3    # Local 9
    4   aNorAmerica      440.5625  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    4    4    # NorAmerica
    5   aTAC_310         440.5625  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    5    5    # TAC 310
    6   aTAC_311         440.5625  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    6    6    # TAC 311
    7   aTAC_312         440.5625  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    7    7    # TAC 312
    8   aTAC_313         440.5625  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    8    8    # TAC 313
    9   aTAC_314         440.5625  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    9    9    # TAC 314
   10   aTAC_315         440.5625  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    10   10   # TAC 315
   11   aTAC_317         440.5625  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    11   11   # TAC 317
   12   aUSA3100         440.5625  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    12   12   # USA3100
   13   aNC_State        440.5625  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    13   13   # NC State
   14   aTriag_NC        440.5625  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    14   14   # Triag NC
   15   cWorldwide       442.4125  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    1    1    # Worldwide
   16   cLocal_2         442.4125  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     2    2    2    # Local 2
   17   cLocal_9         442.4125  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     2    3    3    # Local 9
   18   cNorAmerica      442.4125  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    4    4    # NorAmerica
   19   cTAC_310         442.4125  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    5    5    # TAC 310
   20   cTAC_311         442.4125  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    6    6    # TAC 311
   21   cTAC_312         442.4125  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    7    7    # TAC 312
   22   cTAC_313         442.4125  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    8    8    # TAC 313
   23   cTAC_314         442.4125  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    9    9    # TAC 314
   24   cTAC_315         442.4125  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    10   10   # TAC 315
   25   cTAC_317         442.4125  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    11   11   # TAC 317
   26   cUSA3100         442.4125  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    12   12   # USA3100
   27   cNC_State        442.4125  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    13   13   # NC State
   28   cTriag_NC        442.4125  +5       High  -    -   -  -      1     1    14   14   # Triag NC

# Table of analog channels.
# 1) Channel number: 1-1024
# 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space
# 3) Receive frequency in MHz
# 4) Transmit frequency or +/- offset in MHz
# 5) Transmit power: High, Low
# 6) Scan list: - or index
# 7) Transmit timeout timer in seconds: 0, 15, 30, 45... 555
# 8) Receive only: -, +
# 9) Admit criteria: -, Free, Tone
# 10) Squelch level: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
# 11) Guard tone for receive, or '-' to disable
# 12) Guard tone for transmit, or '-' to disable
# 13) Bandwidth in kHz: 12.5, 20, 25
Analog  Name             Receive   Transmit Power Scan TOT RO Admit  Squelch RxTone TxTone Width
   29   W4BFB_Charlotte  145.290   -0.6     High  1    -   -  -      3       -      118.8  25
   30   W4BFB_Charlotte  146.940   -0.6     High  1    -   -  -      3       -      118.8  25
   31   W4CQ_Charlotte   147.060   -0.6     High  1    -   -  -      3       -      88.5   25
   32   KD4ADL_Charlotte 147.270   +0.6     High  1    -   -  -      3       -      91.5   25
   33   N4UH_China_Grove 145.410   -0.6     High  1    -   -  -      3       -      136.5  25
   34   K4CEB_Concord    146.655   -0.6     High  1    -   -  -      3       -      88.5   25
   35   KD4ADL_Concord   147.210   +0.6     High  1    -   -  -      3       -      110.9  25
   36   WA4AOS_Dallas    145.350   -0.6     High  1    -   -  -      3       -      82.5   25
   37   KT4TF_Fort_Mill  145.110   -0.6     High  1    -   -  -      3       -      110.9  25
   38   KG4LWG_Gastonia  442.775   +5       High  2    -   -  -      3       -      123.0  25
   39   KC4ZTI_Gastonia  443.750   +5       High  2    -   -  -      3       -      88.5   25
   40   AG4EI_Gastonia   444.150   +5       High  2    -   -  -      3       -      141.3  25
   41   WD4LCF_Gastonia  145.450   -0.6     High  2    -   -  -      3       -      88.5   25
   42   K4GNC_Gastonia   146.805   -0.6     High  2    -   -  -      3       -      100.0  25
   43   K4CBA_Gastonia   442.050   +5       High  2    -   -  -      3       -      88.5   25
   44   N4GAS_Gastonia   147.120   +0.6     High  2    -   -  -      3       -      100.0  25
   45   N4GAS_Gastonia   444.550   +5       High  2    -   -  -      3       -      88.5   25
   46   KA4YMY_Gastonia  444.700   +5       High  2    -   -  -      3       -      88.5   25
   47   K4GNC_Gastonia   444.750   +5       High  2    -   -  -      3       -      162.2  25
   48   W8EMX_Huntersvil 443.225   +5       High  1    -   -  -      3       -      110.9  25
   49   N4JEX_Kannapolis 147.300   +0.6     High  1    -   -  -      3       -      136.5  25
   50   N4JEX_Kannapolis 443.350   +5       High  1    -   -  -      3       -      136.5  25
   51   NC4LC_Lincolnton 147.015   +0.6     High  1    -   -  -      3       -      141.3  25
   52   WA4YGD_Lincolnto 442.350   +5       High  1    -   -  -      3       -      88.5   25
   53   KD4ADL_Mint_Hill 444.825   +5       High  1    -   -  -      3       -      110.9  25
   54   NC4UC_Monroe     145.390   -0.6     High  1    -   -  -      3       -      94.8   25
   55   W4ZO_Monroe      444.300   +5       High  1    -   -  -      3       -      100.0  25
   56   NC4UC_Monroe     444.425   +5       High  1    -   -  -      3       -      94.8   25
   57   WG8E_Mooresville 443.825   +5       High  1    -   -  -      3       -      110.9  25
   58   WT4IX_Newell     442.125   +5       High  1    -   -  -      3       -      156.7  25
   59   K4CCR_Newton     147.075   +0.6     High  1    -   -  -      3       -      88.5   25
   60   KE4KIV_Newton    442.625   +5       High  1    -   -  -      3       -      88.5   25
   61   W4BFB_Ranlo      145.230   -0.6     High  1    -   -  -      3       -      118.8  25
   62   K4YTZ_Rock_Hill  147.030   -0.6     High  1    -   -  -      3       -      88.5   25
   63   KD4EOD_Rock_Hill 147.225   +0.6     High  1    -   -  -      3       -      110.9  25
   64   K4WBT_Waxhaw     444.525   +5       High  1    -   -  -      3       -      94.8   25
   65   N4HRS_Wingate    443.950   +5       High  1    -   -  -      3       -      110.9  25
   66   N4HRS_York       147.270   +0.6     High  1    -   -  -      3       -      110.9  25
   67   W4PSC_York       443.375   +5       High  1    -   -  -      3       -      110.9  25
   68   2M_SIM1          146.520   +0       High  -    -   -  -      3       -      -      25
   69   2M_SIM2          146.550   +0       High  -    -   -  -      3       -      -      25
   70   2M_SIM3          146.580   +0       High  -    -   -  -      3       -      -      25
   71   70C_SM1          446.000   +0       High  -    -   -  -      3       -      -      25
   72   70C_SM2          446.125   +0       High  -    -   -  -      3       -      -      25

# Table of channel zones.
# 1) Zone number: 1-250
# 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space
# 3) List of channels: numbers and ranges (N-M) separated by comma
Zone    Name             Channels
   1    K4DVA_Albemarle  1-14
   2    NCPRN_Charlotte  15-28
   3    Analog_A-F       30,30-37
   4    Analog_Gaston    38-41,43,45,45-47,47
   5    Analog_H-N       48,50,50-53,55-56,56-60
   6    Analog_O-Z       61-67
   7    Simplex          68-72

# Table of scan lists.
# 1) Scan list number: 1-250
# 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space
# 3) Priority channel 1 (50% of scans): -, Sel or index
# 4) Priority channel 2 (25% of scans): -, Sel or index
# 5) Designated transmit channel: Last, Sel or index
# 6) List of channels: numbers and ranges (N-M) separated by comma
Scanlist Name            PCh1 PCh2 TxCh Channels
    1    no-Gastonia     -    -    Last 30,30-37,48,50,50-53,55-56,56-67
    2    Gastonia        -    -    Last 38-41,43,45,45-47,47

# Table of contacts.
# 1) Contact number: 1-256
# 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space
# 3) Call type: Group, Private, All
# 4) Call ID: 1...16777215
# 5) Call receive tone: -, +
Contact Name             Type    ID       RxTone
    1   Worldwide        Group   1        +
    2   Local_2          Group   2        +
    3   Local_9          Group   9        +
    4   NorAmerica       Group   3        +
    5   TAC_310          Group   310      +
    6   TAC_311          Group   311      +
    7   TAC_312          Group   312      +
    8   TAC_313          Group   313      +
    9   TAC_314          Group   314      +
   10   TAC_315          Group   315      +
   11   TAC_317          Group   317      +
   12   USA3100          Group   3100     +
   13   NC_State         Group   3137     +
   14   Triag_NC         Group   31371    +

# Table of group lists.
# 1) Group list number: 1-64
# 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space
# 3) List of contacts: numbers and ranges (N-M) separated by comma
Grouplist Name             Contacts
    1     Worldwide        1
    2     Local_2          2
    3     Local_9          3
    4     NorAmerica       4
    5     TAC_310          5
    6     TAC_311          6
    7     TAC_312          7
    8     TAC_313          8
    9     TAC_314          9
   10     TAC_315          10
   11     TAC_317          11
   12     USA3100          12
   13     NC_State         13
   14     Triag_NC         14

# Table of text messages.
# 1) Message number: 1-32
# 2) Text: up to 144 characters
Message Text
    1   HELLO!

# Unique DMR ID and name of this radio.
ID: 1234567
Name: Your ID#

# Text displayed when the radio powers up.
Intro Line 1: Welcome
Intro Line 2: RD-5R